King, visibly worried about Takumi, who was left behind due to the beloved coach's issues with their small unit's tactics, glanced at his comrad still on the battlefield, being slowly boxed in, and then turned his gaze back at the instructor, still holding Gloria tightly by the forearm as she probably held him and loudly, energetically replied to the scolding in the way he imagined a professional soldier would: [color=fff200]"Sir, I am most sorry Sir, but could i please ask permission to leave the knife sheathed on my person for i feel extremely uncomfortable without it! 'Tis not a crutch but something i've mistakenly considered a viable tactic for use during this course! I shall act most proper and honorably from now on and until the end of the excercise! Additionally, could i plead for Takumi to be granted the same short rest we've just received, sir?! He is put into a very unfair circumstances by being separated from his team!"[/color]