[img]http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140416141014/powerrangersfanon/images/4/40/Power_Rangers_Dino_Charge_2.0_logo.png[/img] Nearly a century ago the Power Rangers Dino Charge team fought the Evil Sledge and his monsters to save the planet and protect the Energems. Now a new threat is rising from under the Arctic Ocean. The Debos Legion plans on using the worlds emotions to revive their master Debos. Now Keeper's Son Seeker and a new team must band together to take on a new threat. Over the last Century more Energems have been Discovered on Earth having been bonded to dinosaurs and now passed So since there are a vast number of Rangers in this series as possibilities I figured I would post some pictures of the different colors and what the ranger suits might look like. the core five will still be Red Blue Green Black and Pink. But all of the others are able to be selected If so desired. Main Teams: [img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/833b/f/2015/193/a/0/zyuden_sentai_kyoryuger_by_taiko554-d5pidz2.png[/img] The bottom row is all power ups [img]http://orig13.deviantart.net/3d0e/f/2014/236/8/2/additional_kyoryugers_by_taiko554-d7wj25f.png[/img] (please note body shape and gender of the artwork is not final just an idea of the suit also credit for the art goes to Taiko554 on Deviant Art) Team Roll Call: Tyranosaurus Power Ranger Red! Stegosaurus Power Ranger Blue! Velociraptor Power Ranger Green! Parasaurolophus Power Ranger Black! Triceratops Power Ranger Pink! Pteranodon Power Ranger Gold! Ankylosaurus Power Ranger Cyan! Pachycephalosaurus Power Ranger Graphite! Plesiosaur Power Ranger Violet! Brachiosaurus Power Ranger Silver! Spinosaurus Power Ranger Talon! Deinonychus Power Ranger Yellow! Deinosuchus Power Ranger Orange! Kentorosaurus Power Ranger Aqua! Styracosaurus Power Ranger Magenta! Allosaurus Power Ranger Crimson! Seismosaurus Power Ranger Indigo! Oviraptor Power Ranger Scarlet! Iguanodon Power Ranger Lavender! Tupandactylus Power Ranger White! Ammonite Power Ranger Lime! Archelon Power Ranger Cobalt! Fukiraptor Power Ranger Bronze! Futabasaurus Power Ranger Slate! "Dinosaur Might Ready to fight" - Whole Group "It'a about to get Wild, Just try and stop us!" - Red Ranger "Power Rangers Dino Charge!" - Whole Group Alright if theres any interest just let me know and we can get things started.