Hopefully her power fits within the setting. Also, I had difficulty finding a picture, so I just left it out. The reason should become obvious as you read her CS. [hider=Alexandra Ivanov][center][h2][color=003471]Name[/color][/h2] Alexandra Ivanov [h3][color=003471]Appearance:[/color][/h3] Alexandra is shorter than the average person, standing at only 5' 3". Her jet black hair reaches all the way down to the middle of her back. The prison jumpsuit complements her small frame, even though the large tentacle-arms have completely ruined any semblance of beauty that she once had. The tentacles themselves are large, purple-red flesh that is constantly secreting a sticky liquid to keep them moisturized. [h3][color=003471]Age:[/color][/h3] 21 [h3][color=003471]Power(s):[/color][/h3] Alexandra's power is both a blessing and a curse. After an incident in the lab, her arms have been replaced with tentacles resembling that of an octopus. These tentacles or capable of extending nearly three times her height, and can withstand extreme temperatures. They have been known to regenerate after being damaged, no matter the severity. [h3][color=003471]Personality:[/color][/h3] Alexandra has developed a cold exterior. She'll often push away others, in order to preserve her sanity. She is constantly afraid of being betrayed, and does everything she can to keep that from happening. Due to the unfortunate events that bestowed upon her this "gift," she is quite pessimistic. Her thirst for knowledge has given her the ability to think logically. [h3][color=003471]Bio:[/color][/h3] Alexandra wasn't like the other kids growing up. While the others were playing in the dirt, Alexandra was studying the dirt. She was constantly going to her parents with questions about the world. One day while on a school field trip to an aquarium, she fell in love with the creatures of the water. From that day on, she devoted her studies to marine biology. She graduated high school and went on to become a marine biologist. While studying an extremely rare species of octopus, the radiation hit. A freak accident resulted in the genes of the octopus being crossed with her own. Her arms violently disintegrated and were replaced with two large, gooey masses of tentacles. The pain was too much to handle, and she passed out. She awoke several days later only to realize that her nightmare was more than just that. It was her reality. In an act of desperation, Alexandra attempted to cut off the tentacles. She would be an amputee, but at least she wouldn't be a monster. Unfortunately, the tentacles grew back within a few hours. All that pain was for nothing. She attempted to live her life as normal as possible, but with the rising of Gifted villains, she was locked away along with all the others. Now all alone, she had time to ponder the reality of her situation. Everyone she had known shunned her, not only because she was Gifted, but because she looked like something out of a horror movie. Spite, rage, and above all else, sadness began to build up as she lived her life in prison. Due to something completely out of her control, she was labelled a criminal. She was thrown in prison because of the actions of others. Her life was turned upside down because of this freak accident. [/center][/hider]