"Kate! You are such a tease!!" Safa said and smiled. She knew about the rumors and secretly wished they had a thing. But she was well aware of the hard truth that they were very close friends. Together they walked to Kate's car and Safa looked at her friend when she got asked where she wanted to eat. "It's Monday, means... Sushi day!" Safa said and grinned. She knew that Kate loved Sushi, and that was why they had introduced Monday - Sushi day. Safa got into her best friends car. She did have a driver licence herself but she had not been able to bus herself a car after she got into her first choice school. -1 and a half hour later- Safa got out of her besties car and smiled. "This was another awesome meal! Kate, I can't wait for the interview together.. I won't be doing it and you know how I am when I'm not in control " she said and giggled. She was wondering if a kiss on the cheek would be okay.. It was not like Kate would directly know that Safa had feelings for her. She bent over to the car and gave her best friend a kiss on her cheek. "See yaay tomorrow Kate.. Please text me when you are home" she said and smiled.