[center][h2]Mitis Forest-Forest Showdown[/h2][/center] Wrath watched Gorgon retrieve her weapon and slid a little more into a ready stance, unsure of what it was that she would actually do. However, before the nephilim could move, he found himself rushed by four Phantom Guards from four sides, all swinging their scythes. [color=FireBrick][i]Well that was dumb.[/i][/color] Instead of attempting to counter the attacks, which would result in a very painful day, Wrath ducks the strikes, letting the four scythes get tangles up in each other and then going back to the Magna stance and slicing the group in half with a circular slash before turning his attention towards the two head demons. [color=FireBrick]"Alright, so time to quit giving you two time to call in help."[/color] Slashing horizontally, he unleashes a Cleaving Slice towards the pair before shifting to Unum and attacking Gorgon with a Crushing Slash, an attack he fully anticipated would either be dodged and countered or blocked and countered. Still, he knew he had to keep her busy so that his allies could get the Mundus' half-demon to either retreat or surrender. [color=FireBrick][i]This is one of those times I REALLY wish I'd asked Uriel for some back up...[/i][/color]