Havoc lost sight of Rook briefly when the steam erupted. He narrowed his gaze and kept composure, willing to see what else unfolded, however his expression quickly turned from scrutiny to shock as Rook was blasted back with a welp. Havoc darted to Rook, sliding into a stoop. [color=bc8dbf]"Rook!"[/color] he called earnestly to his first pokemon before bringing out his pokedex one more time. [color=6ecff6]"FIRE TYPE - EXPRESSED WEAKNESSES: WATER, GROUND, ROCK."[/color] Havoc marvelled. [color=bc8dbf][/color] he thought in a blink. He looked down at Rook, wheezing on his side. [color=bc8dbf]"I'm sorry, I didn't know. I- It's alright. You've done well, you don't need-"[/color] began Havoc. Rook struggled to his feet and breath an ember at the mist. Havoc became quiet, understanding that Rook still had the fight in him. Havoc dipped a hand into his backpack and rummaged for his potion before feeding it to Rook. [color=bc8dbf]"Okay. He has the advantage but it looks like we drew the short straw. We don't have to beat him, but we do need to keep him busy. His poliwag likes water and his first move was to spray water everywhere. We have to out last him no matter what. We can use the steam..."[/color] Havoc squeezed his nose twice and pointed into the mist in Broseidon's general direction. Rook began to sniff for the sent of the poliwag. [color=bc8dbf]"Keep up the embers, but 'be on the move',"[/color] explained Havoc, getting to his feet and making a bounding jump backwards to show Rook what he meant. He then gestured at Rook to come towards him. Rook imitated Havoc, jumping sideways towards Havoc while firing a warning shot, so he was moving parallel to the fired shot. Havoc smiled and patted his rejuvenated Houndour. [color=bc8dbf]"Nice. Remember - minimum pitter patter in the water. Let him guess in the mist, wind him up."[/color] surmised Havoc before pointing back into the mist. Rook barked before charging back in. He stopped once he was back in the fray. He sniffed a couple of times into the air, trying to get a scent of the poliwag. He turned to face the poliwag and did a strafing jump, firing an ember mid-jump like he just practiced. [hr] Location: S.S.Expedition Current Team: [img]http://img.pokemondb.net/sprites/black-white/anim/normal/houndour.gif[/img] Rook the Houndour¦Status: N/A¦Level: 5 Inventory: Pokedollars (500), Palm Pokedex, Palm Ball (1)