[@chaotic chao] Here's an incomplete version of my character sheet. Please let me know if the power needs tweaking. Name: Feather (Real name: Tiffany Velends) Appearance: [img]http://i1247.photobucket.com/albums/gg621/Sexy_lady2009Meez/tumblr_lhllx33rBQ1qfal67o1_400.png[/img] Age: 17 Power(s): Feather has the power to manipulate gravity. She can do so in the following ways: -By creating an orb with a radius of up to 10 feet around herself that makes gravity within weaker or stronger. She can change the effect of the sphere dynamically. -By affixing a sphere with a radius of up to 10 feet to an object. The sphere makes the object the new target of gravity for all things within (in other words, they are pulled toward the selected object rather than the earth), and the strength of the gravity depends on the sphere. However, it can be changed only while Feather is within the area of effect. Maximum duration: 15 minutes. -She can throw mobile spheres with a radius of up to 10 feet through the air. These spheres can increase or decrease the strength of gravity working within them, but cannot be changed once thrown. Further, these spheres cannot change the direction of gravity. (Meaning gravity will still be pulling objects in the sphere toward the earth.) The radius of the sphere slowly decreases as it moves away from Feather in a line. -Feather herself is only affected by the spheres centered on her. Feather's powers have many limitations, including the following: -She cannot make spheres in which there is no gravity. -She cannot make spheres with gravity so strong that it would completely immobilize or wound an average person standing on the ground within. -The maximum strength of her sphere is directly proportional to that of her body, meaning that exhausting her or beating her up temporarily weaken her abilities. Personality: Feather is independent to the core, and prefers to avoid forming friendships or other close bonds. She finds trusting others to be foolish. She is exceptionally bright, but just as impulsive, and tends to get in trouble frequently. Her self worth is cripplingly low, and she hates herself far more than anyone else. Often, she acts out just to avoid having too much time to think. She's very curious by nature, the sort of person who becomes legitimately upset when presented with a puzzle she can't solve. She frequently takes things too far when she's having fun. Bio: Feather's father left her mother before she was born. Her mother struggled to support herself and her daughter, working multiple jobs at once and losing sleep. Feather was often left home alone even as a small child, and when her mother was present, she was too exhausted to play; Feather knew she was a burden by the time she was five years old. And she wanted to help. She was quick to pick up the habit of stealing things; candy bars from stores she would creep in to on her own, lunches taken from her classmates before they got the chance to eat them. Of course, she was frequently caught - but never more than slapped on the wrist. Who could fault a little girl for stealing to support her overwhelmed mother? As time went on, Feather's living situation got better. Her mother was promoted at one of her jobs so that she didn't have to work any others. Feather earned a full scholarship into a prestigious private high school. But her urge to steal never quite faded. It only got worse once she developed her powers. She would take everything she could - cell phones, wallets, textbooks - from her peers and her teachers, then sell what she could online. The act of taking and getting away with it was thrilling to her. But, one day, she took it too far. She managed to get a hold of the keys to the principal's car, and she took it. Unfortunately for her, she was caught on camera. Before she knew it, she was not only expelled, but arrested, and her powers were found out. It was more than her mother could take. She had spent the last decade and a half of her life trying to provide for her daughter; Feather was the center of her world. And, suddenly, she was gone. It was only once Feather was securely locked up that she was told of her mother's suicide. All alone in her cell, she had all the time in the world to dwell on it.