[center][h2] [color=5F9F9F]Fabiano Niccolo Andrredi De Roma { wip }[/color][/h2][/center] [center][h3]❝ Bɪsᴏɢɴᴀ ғᴀʀᴇ ʟᴀ ʙᴇʟʟᴀ ғɪɢᴜʀᴀ ❞[/h3][/center] [hider=General] Nickname: Fabian Alias: Lorenzo {Enzo} Palladio Gender: male Age: 21 Race: Italian Birthplace: Rome, Italy Allegiance(s) / Faction(s): This is a bit of a grey area for him at the moment. [/hider] {۩} [hider=Description] • Physique: Fabian is certainly no one to be trifled with, tall and built to take a hit. Cutting a mesomorphic figure, he is broad shouldered and well muscled, but still leaning towards the more wiry side. Practically raised to be a soldier, he is every inch the fighter that he appears to be, able to move fairly quickly while still putting quite the force and strength behind a blow. His pain tolerance is pretty average for someone with his physical background and training, but he can definitely dish out more than he can take. His face is well structured, His features intense and smoothly chiseled. He has a well-defined, square jaw line with a strong chin attached. • Height: 6’1” • Hair: His hair is a mixture of neat waves and curls with a natural, almost unruly look to it, but not necessarily wild or out of control, a stray cowlick here or there. In terms of length, it is fairly uniform all around; short, with a few stray pieces framing his face, curling around his ears and the back of his neck. There’s no particular rhyme or reason for it, other than for convenience. It’s easier and more comfortable to fit short hair into a helmet or hood rather than long. That being said, he gets bad hat hair, and it tends to stick up sometimes, especially when it’s exceptionally humid. It’s a dark brown color, nearly black. It is particularly sensitive to sunlight, so the intensity of the shade will vary with the time of year; taking on a more medium brown in the summer with a stray golden highlight here and there, and quite dark in the winter. He tends not to have facial hair, and when he does, it’s nothing more than a five o’clock shadow. • Eyes: • Skin: • Scars / Markings / Etc.: • Clothing Description: • Weapons: [IMG]https://image.ibb.co/nFn1pv/ye.jpg[/IMG] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/564x/1e/f8/13/1ef813319de45c0db4f8d68f59fbbfbb.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Characteristics] • Gait/Presentation: • Accent: • Habits / Quirks: • Fighting Style: [/hider] {۩} [hider=Identity] Personality: Likes: Dislikes: Fears: Flaws: History: [/hider] {۩} [hider=Relations] Relationship Status: Single Love Interest: Leona, eventually Family: Father, Mother, two younger sisters Allies/Friends: Leona, for now Enemies: [/hider] Misc. Theme Song: Wrong Side of Heaven -- FFDP Dialogue Color: [color=5F9F9F] 5F9F9F [/color] Other: