[hider=Telepathy Ho!][b]Name:[/b] Amelia Brinks [b]Appearance:[/b] Small, but well-built due to the hardness of her years, Amelia forms a striking image with her short-cut golden blonde hair and stormy-grey eyes. She has yet to reach the height of her development as a woman, sporting only budding breasts and unremarkable hips. She could be attractive, if the look in her eyes wasn't so off-putting. [b]Age:[/b] 15 (Mental Age: Appox. 500 years) [b]Power:[/b] [u]Telepathy:[/u] At her core, Amelia's ability is an advanced form of telepathy, and she retains the capabilities of a run-of-the-mill telepath alongside her usage of her more unique telepathic abilities. She is able to reach out with her consciousness, forming a psionic connection and communicating thoughts, images and words freely. The range limit to this bond is approximately 200 meters, although the strength of her connection does wane slightly as one reaches this radius's extremities. Less effective on humans with reduced mental functionality, and virtually ineffective with animals. Includes the ability to fight off other telepaths, in the event of mental intrusion. -[u]Telepathic Awareness:[/u] An innate "sense" of the location of nearby minds, that functions passively and without the need to form a psionic connection. Using this, she can gain a precise idea of wherever people might be anywhere within the range of her telepathic abilities. Comparable to "brushing" against the minds of anyone affects, so she can also gain some insight into the immediate thoughts and mental states of anything she can sense. However, if she brushes past the mind of another Telepath, they will be immediately aware of her trespass and know that, if not where she is exactly, that she is somewhere nearby. She cannot turn this ability off. -[u]FLASHBACK:[/u] Amelia's true "gift", with the rest simply being a byproduct of her psionic awakening. At the instant of one's death, it is said that their entire life flashes before their eyes. To Amelia, this is an unfortunate truth, as she is forced to relive the entirety of the dying one's life whenever somebody dies while under the effect of her telepathic bond. One's mental resistance is effectively reduced to zero when they die, so no amount of psychic barriers can prevent her last-second intrusion into your psyche. Afterwards, Amelia retains all memories and experiences possessed by the person before death, and she cannot forget them until she herself finds her end. Her brain's ability to store information is vastly increased from an ordinary human, but the cram is still very traumatic to her young mind, and she has suffered vast amounts of mental trauma from the countless experiences stored inside of her. This special, incredibly penetrative form of telepathy is usable only on an individual who is about to die. Against any other human, the protection of their subconscious would prevent her from accessing their most innermost memories. [b]Personality:[/b] Something of an amalgamation of some twenty or so minds, all victims of hers before her reign of terror was abruptly cut short, Amelia's true personality can be a bit hard to pinpoint. In prison, she's had some time to come to terms with her shattered psyche, and thus is able to better control the thrumming memories lying below the surface of her mind. She is a cynical entity, brooding and harshly critical of others, but not lacking empathy for their situations. She has had many experiences, most negative, and thus has a better time understanding the pain of others. Despite this, she shows a tough, and even apathetic exterior that turns others off from her. She naturally gives the impression of being far, far beyond her years, and with a supernatural wisdom. As is to be expected from somebody whose collective memories end up with over five hundred years of life. As fragile as you would think this would make her, she has been hardened by her experiences, and showcases a virtually unbreakable willpower that does not falter under any circumstance. She can be a bit violent at times, as many of the people who she has killed have all been "bad guys". She has no qualms about killing, and fears no death herself, as she has experienced it firsthand many times over. The definition of edgy. [b]History:[/b] Amelia was a somewhat ordinary lower-class girl born into a broken home. She was frequently abused, in multiple ways, by her stepfather, and her mother couldn't get her head out of her drink long enough to do anything about it. She probably would have died, with the frequency of her abuse rising as her stepfather's business ventures failed more frequently, until one day: she was forced to defend herself. By then, she had already awoken her Gift, although she was not in control of it. In an instant, when she absorbed her dying stepfather's memories, her mentality was accelerated to that of an adult's. She was young, and with only 13 years worth of memories under her belt. Compared to that, the thirty-something years of life absorbed from her stepfather was overwhelming. The size of her memories virtually tripled, she naturally became a little confused, becoming a sort of hybrid of hers and her stepfather's memories. She was filled with a black fury, stemming from having been killed by her own stepdaughter, who she had raised and provided for despite her slut mother's inadequacies. Her mind was broken, and scattered. She was a monster. For the next few years, her activities consisted mostly of trying to survive on the streets. Her stepfather's incredible temper got her into trouble more than once, and in the end, she had to kill more street scum than she could count in order to keep living. Until she was eventually captured, and sent to a place where she could sit in quiet, sorting out her shattered mentality. And that she did. Until now.[/hider]