[center][img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/Kiara.png[/img] [h1]&[/h1] [img]http://i845.photobucket.com/albums/ab20/XxKayla36xX/Sulleykaar%20-%201.png[/img] [h2]Present Day[/h2][/center] That night had been [i]interesting[/i] to say the least. It originally started fairly positive. The two started to learn a bit about each other through Kiara’s chatter, but in the end it became a sexual war to see who could get Kiara off the quickest. Long story short with a bit of magic, tail and tongue control, he ended up in commanding the night. There he laid between the two, his arms extended out to his sides as a fleshy pillow for the faeries. His eyes fluttered open in a squint from the morning sun as it pierced the crack in the curtains. He glance over to each one of the girls and just closed his eyes again, a shit-eating grin on his face, mumbling something about winning the war. Kiara fell asleep relatively quickly, completely comfortable and content in her own bed for the first time in over a week. By the time they woke the next morning, Vivienne was gone. Elsewhere Felix had ended up drinking until he blacked out, not remembering trying to pick a fight with the Orc and getting his hammered ass handed to him. In fact, he tried picking a fight with a lot of them, causing the others in the Order to explain to Felix and the others that he was simply plastered beyond repair. The once-human commander had cussed out multiple soldiers who were on the field at the time, accusing them of seeing the incoming blast and failing to protect their Captain. Eventually the commander collapsed out on a table, bringing him and the contents on said table to the ground and laid there among the food and drink that fell onto him. The death of Kyla had hit him hard, harder than most that that was mostly do to his relationship with her. When he was brought to his bed, with the help of Garax and his bed buddy, he kept mumbling stuff about that day, tears welling up and forcing themselves known. [color=green]”Come on Naela, best leave him be.”[/color] He said with some sympathy in his voice. Neala nodded, but not before smoothing Felix’s hair back in a motherly gesture. She had to turn and walk away, such deep grief from a human, even a once-human, was too tempting of a meal. [center][h2]The Next Morning[/h2][/center] The tiny faerie was quite the bed hog when it came to sleeping in the pleasant warmth of her own realm. She was sprawled out starfish-style by the time the sun’s rays peeked in through the skylight ceiling. With soft little groans, she tried to block the light from her eyes, covering them with her arms. She heard a mumble next to her and peeked a sleepy eye open. Realizing that she was taking up almost all of the bed, she moved over to give the dragon some space and rolled around blocking her eyes once more. Feeling a shift in the bed and a foot off of his body he scooched closer to her, subconsciously wrapping an arm around her waist and let out a low comfortable growl followed by a small plume of smoke. Kiara’s button nose twitched at the smell of smoke. Sleepily, she giggled and snuggled up against him. It was nice to sleep next to him not in his dragon form. She rolled over to face him and stared with wide eyes and a smile. [color=gray]“Morning~”[/color] she whispered. [color=9e0b0f]”Nehh... “[/color] He grumbled as he turned the other way before rubbing his eyes and sat up, his feet touching the cool floor. For some reason his hair remained straight and tamed, it must have been either magically kept that way or it was just natural. His fingers ran over his scarred neck and looked back to Kiara. Kiki sat up as well and stretched out her back, stretching her fists high in the air and making a little squeaky noise. She rubbed the sleep out of her eyes and blinked at him. [color=gray]”Time to go?”[/color] she asked. He looked down at the bed. Sleep was more tempting than going at the moment. Unfortunately, sleep would wait. He nodded. [color=9e0b0f]”After we stop in the market for supplies, and I have to update myself with Tiamat’s movements. Apparently, after my little stunt, I lost contact with most of my network. I only have a few loyal members left who stayed with me after my defection. After this is all over, I’m retiring from this shit.”[/color] He said cautiously and uncharacteristically. [color=gray]”Over, hm? If you're still living then, you mean.”[/color] she said somewhat darkly, remembering Woshåm’s visions. She sighed and stood up to find something to wear. [color=9e0b0f]”What do you mean?”[/color] He now fully turned towards her, wondering why she would say that. Thinking she was joking, he grinned. [color=9e0b0f]”I don’t think you can fuck someone to death. Then again, I don’t doubt the faerie when it comes to intimacy for that to happen.”[/color] He teased. Kiara chuckled as she tied loose fabrics around her waist as a skirt. [color=gray]”Well… if we’re both still around, we can give it a try.”[/color] she winked at him before going to her closet to find a leather corset to wear with her skirt. He rolled his eyes. [color=9e0b0f]”Of course we will be. I’ve seen the vision.”[/color] The dragon stood up, the light reflecting off of his naked body. With the snap of his fingers his clothes glowed green in her closet and disappeared, settling onto him quickly. He made his way towards her and stopped next to her, a more serious look on his face. [color=9e0b0f]”Or do you think otherwise?”[/color] [color=gray]”It said you didn’t like what you saw. I didn’t either...”[/color] she said, not directly answering his question. She wanted to believe that they would make their own fate, but in order for that to happen, she had to accept what could be. That was going to be… hard. He shook his head and turned towards the door, waving a hand dismissively. [color=9e0b0f]”Of course I didn’t like what it showed. It showed Felix’s death and Kyla’s as well. One of them stuck, and the other didn’t. It shows outcomes that are possible, not outcomes that are certain.”[/color] He turned to smile and gestured with his head to follow. [color=9e0b0f]”I don’t know about you, but I can’t survive off of feelings. I’m going to the dining hall to grab something to eat before we get a move on. Oh-”[/color] He turned back to her with a glowing green hand and touched her on her own palms, the light transferring over to her. [color=9e0b0f]”Tap the items you wish to bring with you and when your done just snap your fingers. Don’t overdo it now, we’re still training but bring some things for when you have some rest, ok?”[/color] He kissed her gently on the forehead and walked towards the door again and was out of the room in moments. Outside of the room as he made for the dining hall, he grimaced at her words. Kiara flexed her fingers and marveled at the magical glow. She looked around, wondering what exactly she might want to bring. Material things weren’t very useful, nice to have… but not useful in training. She touched the mirror of her mother’s vanity, which was more than a mirror. The looking glasses of the castle were all connected and could be used to communicate with each other from a distance. She chewed her bottom lip. He said not to overdo it, but what did that mean? Truth be told, she didn’t really want anything else. After some thought, she smirked, and went to her closet. Kiki touched a few pieces that would be more of a treat for Sulleykaar than for herself before saying goodbye to her room for the weeks to come. Kiara headed to the market in search of the dragon. She was also looking for Cynbel, but she was dreading the moment she would find him. She browsed some of the shops. It had been a while since she perused the crafts of her people, so she enjoyed it while she still could. She was looking at the gem crafter’s cart when she heard a familiar voice behind her. Kiara felt her heart sink to her toes before she turned around. Cynbel looked professional, but his eyes were sad. [color=lightgray]”You weren’t going to leave without saying goodbye, were you?”[/color] [color=gray]”Of course not, daddy.”[/color] she smiled weakly. The truth was, she was afraid to say goodbye. She hugged him tight and sighed against his chest, balling her fist against his cloaked back. Please, gods, don’t let this be the last time… [color=gray]”I love you, I always have. Even when I was angry. I’m going to learn Old Scale, and do what must be done. For the good of our people, for our realm.”[/color] [color=lightgray]”That’s my girl.”[/color] he said proudly and kissed the tip of her nose and then her forehead. With a soft sigh, he said [color=lightgray]”Sulleykaar is in the tavern around the corner, if you are looking for him.”[/color] Kiara nodded in thanks, smiling lightly. [color=lightgray]”Study quick, come home soon my cherry.”[/color] She hugged him again, quickly this time, and then bolted off towards the tavern. If she moved fast enough, maybe she wouldn’t think about it too much. Sulleykaar was seated in a tavern of sorts, more or less like an outside bar with walls. It’s back wall was somewhat mossy thanks to the water that ran down the side of it. There was chatter among those present. Mostly about the feast and the war. Others talking about the simple things and others about whatever. An elderly man sat down at his table. “I bring news of the Children, Lord Sulley.” The dragon nodded. “There has been talk of military movement and a possible assault from within the group, as well as to your whereabouts.” Sulleykaar grimaced. [color=9e0b0f]”I personally don’t care if they know my whereabouts...So they’re planning on making an assault soon, eh?”[/color] The informant shrugged. “It’s a possibility considering that even Ugin has begun to move his troops.” Sulley stifled a chuckle. [color=9e0b0f]”If Ugin moved his troops, then it’s not a possibility. It [i]will[/i] happen.”[/color] He leaned in towards the informant. [color=9e0b0f]”Any news on the locations of their movements?”[/color] The old man shook his head. “Nothing if you mean [i]where[/i] they’re moving them to.” He shook his head before leaning back. [color=9e0b0f]”I have a feeling as to where, but I’m hoping not.”[/color] Sulleykaar rubbed his temples as he rested his head on his hands. With a sigh, he stood, thanking the old man. He made his way out of the tavern to begin his search for Kiara, whom he nearly collided with in the doorway. [color=9e0b0f]”Excu - Oh Kia-”[/color] [color=gray]”Oh! Found you.”[/color] she chuckled and stepped out of the way. [color=gray]”I’m ready when you are…”[/color] she said quietly, holding her left elbow in her right hand and looking down. He cupped her chin in her hand and lifted until he could see into her eyes. [color=9e0b0f]”Then we should head for the gates.”[/color] He smiled until the elderly man exited the tavern and looked to him with a subtle nod for shimmering away amidst the crowded street. He nodded back before looking to Kiara once more. [color=9e0b0f]”When we get back, I have something for you.”[/color] turning he walked slowly in the direction of travel. His steps were light and smooth as they made their way to the entrance of the gates leading towards Eagle’s Peak. [color=gray]”Sulley?”[/color] she asked as she walked at his side. [color=9e0b0f]”Hmmm.”[/color] he said in response. [color=gray]”Can I try to fly part of the way?”[/color] her crooked smile dimpled her right cheek as she asked him. Maybe, just maybe, he would let her, it was worth asking. He stopped and looked at her for a long moment. After what seemed like forever he grinned and continued walking. [color=9e0b0f]”Assisted for the first half, and then I’ll let you try on your own for the second. Sound fair?”[/color] Kiara nodded excitably, looking like a bobble-head. [color=gray]”Yes, thank you!”[/color] That made the prospect of heading back much more palatable. The short trip to the gates went fairly normal, minus the one fight that the Order started. Something over a pit bet. Sulley quelched that situation quickly with a single gaze and continued on. After they passed he nodded to her as he morphed to his dragon form. The glamoured back of Kiara glowed a greenish white where her wings were. [color=9e0b0f]”Go ahead and drop the glamour. I’ll give you a bit of assistance at least to get you off the ground. I know that since you really haven’t used your wings like this before, your muscles are going to be sore by the end of this flight. The first just get use to flapping them in rhythm with me and then during the second half I’ll let you give it a try.”[/color] He instructed. Kiki nodded and shrugged and let her glamour off. It was refreshing to not be using the energy, she had a feeling she was going to need all she could get for the flight. The scales around her eyes, in combination with her stoney grey skin made her look all the more like a gargoyle. She stretched out her new wings and looked up to the sky. [color=gray]”Okay, I’m ready! Should I just…”[/color] [color=9e0b0f]”Flap them in sync with mine now!”[/color] He yelled as he jumped to the air. He brought down his massive wings, sending a gust of wind on either side of him. Unfortunately, he had forgotten that Kiara was right next to him as she was lifted into the air along side him by the magic. Kiki made a startled noise and attempted to balance herself. She used her wind elemental magick to boost herself back in the right direction and started flapping her wings. [color=gray]”Wait--- hrngh”[/color] it took a lot of effort to keep herself in the air and stay straight, but she managed with an excessive amount of flapping. She caught up to Sulleykaar and tried to match the pace of his wing beats. She wobbled… a little bit to the left, sinking down, shooting up, too far to the right. He turned towards her and slowed down until she made it to his head. [color=9e0b0f]”Very good, Kiki. Just match me and you’ll be fine.”[/color] He gave a wide, toothy grin. The dragon studied her frame and truly realized how small she was compared to him, especially in dragon form. She was almost like an ant next to him. His claw was about as big as her. [color=9e0b0f]”I knew you were small but…”[/color] He couldn’t help but let a draconic rumble out. Kiara smiled through pants as she worked to keep up and balance herself. [color=gray]”That’s - heh - okay. I like -heh- being small.”[/color] She liked looking frail and unassuming, it always caught her enemies off guard when she started throwing punches. Her thin appearance was of her own choosing, mostly… she could look like Neala if she wanted. She couldn’t be as big as a dragon, or course, but she had no desire to be anyone other than who she was. They had only managed to fly a few thousand feet before her back muscles started to feel fatigued. Her breathing had steadied now, because she was relatively fit, especially with all of her recent training. He could hear her heart pumping hard and steady, thanks to what he thought was his training and the magic. He increased its potency, allowing her to relax her tired muscles a bit as he started to climb high into the air, using his magick to tow her along. [color=9e0b0f]”Kiki, relax a bit I’ll take the reigns for now. Oh and… spread your arms out to the sides and say ah…”[/color] He grinned a grin that she knew well. That one where he had something in mind and planned. It was that same stupid grin that got her at the lake and onto the stone. But this time he added a wink. What did he have- [color=gray]”Why?”[/color] she asked suspiciously, making sure to do neither thing. She did relax a bit, though. [color=9e0b0f]”SAY AHHH!”[/color] and with that he curled in, further increased his magick’s potency and shot down in a vertical descent, a massive grin on his face as he tucked his wings in, bringing him to terminal velocity, Kiara right beside him. For the first time in a long time, he roared in excitement. Kiki’s eyes widened and she screeched gleefully as she started plummeting down. The intense wind dried her gums out, but she couldn’t stop smiling. Once he was low enough he opened his wings and leveled out just above the river’s surface. The speeds they reached were tremendous, passing the treeline and the other aerial wildlife in a blur. Sulleykaar lead her down the river’s path, banking in unison with the direction of the flow until they reached the entrance to Eagle’s Peak. He leaned back and ascended with her until the floating mountains were level with them. Kiara looked around through teary eyes. She had stopped trying to blink them away, they were flying so fast that her eyes keep watering. It was so gorgeous in the sky… she tried to capture these landscapes like photographs in her mind - future paintings to cover the cave walls with. She was holding her arms out to the sides now, like Sulleykaar had asked her to do, her ruby-colored locks flying straight behind her.. This truly was the best gift anyone had ever given her, she would never forget it. They had about 10 minutes till they arrived at the Peak and Sulley felt that she had enough time to rest her tired muscles so he glanced over at her and used his magic to communicate over the rushing wind. A tug at her mind, and he spoke. [color=9e0b0f]’Kiara we are very close to home so I will lower the assistance to a minimum and let you try to get there yourself. With the speed we’re moving it should be enough to get you there.’[/color] [I]Home.[/i] He called this place home, she wondered if that is what it felt like to him. She didn’t have much time to ponder that, though, because she felt his assistance fade away and had to take over. They were going quite fast, so for a while she just stretched her wings out wide and rode the air currents. An occasional flap here and there was enough to stay steadily afloat. Familiar territory was coming into view, and Kiara smiled wide. She’d did it! She was flying [i]almost[/i] all by herself. But, therein came the next problem…. She had no idea how to land gracefully, the their destination was rapidly approaching. Acting on instinct, she held her arms and legs out in front of her and braced for impact, flapping her wings furiously behind her to slow down and buffer the decent. He smiled as he watched her fly basically by herself. He saw the approaching cliffside and reeled back and up, braking in the air but quickly and without hesitation shot forward again as he saw her start to struggle. She was close to impact and he boosted his magick up as much as possible, stopping her a few feet from the cliffside. She floated there until he caught up. He repeated his air braking technique again and landed on the cliff, having her float up and to the side of him until she too was on the cliff. The dragon took his humanoid form on again and waited until she gently landed next to him before breaking the spell. [color=9e0b0f]”We’ll be practicing landing and stopping mid-air tomorrow...After training.”[/color] He clapped. Kiara was relieved to feel the earth beneath her bare feet once more. Flying was beautiful, but she was always feel most comfortable, and most powerful, when she was grounded. The exhausted faerie willingly collapsed flat against the ground. Her hands and legs were sprawled out and her new, larger wings flattened like a blanket around her as she laid on her stomach. [color=gray]”Blegghhhhh!”[/color] she sighed loudly and stretched her sore back. Sulley frowned. [color=9e0b0f]”And that is why we will be training extra hard tomorrow starting with an early, long jog through the plains below.”[/color] he walked towards the entrance of the den but immediately stopped and dropped into a defensive position, his hell flames burning black and hot. [color=9e0b0f]”I know you're in there! Step out now, or I’ll turn this cave into the largest and hottest oven this realm has ever seen!”[/color] his eyes narrowed as he heard footsteps making their way to the mouth of the den. As the figure made it into the light, his flames ceased and he walked towards them. [color=9e0b0f]”Shyvana? What are you - “[/color] [i]THWACK[/i] He was sent flying to the end of the cliffside. She made her way up to him and lifted him by his collar, hitting him a few more times in between cursing him out. Kiara looked up from her place on the ground when she heard the commotion. She expected to see Paraxthyon, and sat up quickly when she realized that it was not. [color=purple]”WHY - THE- FUCK - DID - YOU - BETRAY - UGIN!!”[/color] [color=9e0b0f]”I - ow - can - ow EXPLAIN!”[/color] he managed to get out. Kiara’s eyes were wide, but she let out a small giggle as the female put Sulley in his place. With a reeled fist, she stopped, dropped her clenched hand and brought him in for a hug. [color=purple]”I’m glad your ok.”[/color] She hugged him tightly before turning to the little faerie. Shyvana was about as tall as Sulley if only shorter by a few inches. She furrowed her brow and glanced at Sulley. [color=purple]”I suppose this is Kiara of the Unseelie court?”[/color] He nodded as he rubbed his pained chin. Kiara dusted herself off and curtsied politely. [color=gray]”A'plyae mae.”[/color] she greeted in Fae’len. [color=gray]”Yes, I am Kiara, and you are?”[/color] [color=purple]”I know who you are, dearie, believe me when I say that we all do. I am Shyvana sister to Sulleykaar, and Daughter of the Children of Tiamat, but you don’t have to worry. I will not be bringing this meeting up again with the Children, I simply wanted to pass on a warning.”[/color] She said with the tone of a leader. Oh lovely, yet another foreboding warning... Kiara looked to Sulleykaar for his reaction. He simply waved her off. [color=9e0b0f]”Please. I think we both have heard enough warnings about th-”[/color] [color=purple]”What you heard was true. “[/color] His eyebrows rose and in response she nodded. [color=purple]” I’m not entirely sure as to when, but you best train her well for what is to come. I am the only other one you can trust still from the group, Suls. Everyone else you cannot. If and when the time comes, we will join you in the fight, but for now we have to remain enemies so not to bring up suspicion.”[/color] He nodded but then looked to her with worry. [color=9e0b0f]”Kyre, is he safe?”[/color] He asked hastily. She silently nodded, which relieved him. Shyvana looked over to Kiara with a genuine smile. [color=purple]”When we meet again, hopefully, it will be as allies. You are Sulley’s type, and he doesn’t open his hearts to many, so I expect you to treat him well, ok?”[/color] She left her silent threat as that. No point in truly riling her up. The female dragon turned back to Sulley, kissed him on the cheek, and made her leave, sadly, leaving Sulley to grimace at what he was told. Well, there goes that easy time to train. Now he would have to train her twice as hard given the nonexistent countdown to when the Children would make their move. [color=gray]”She seemed much more enjoyable than your twin.”[/color] Kiara remarked and reached a hand to rub between her shoulderblades. [color=gray]”Who’s Kyre? Is that your younger brother?”[/color] she asked innocently, hazarding a guess. [color=9e0b0f]”No, but a beautiful reminder of my past.”[/color] he smiled sadly. Best not to dwell on history. Sulley’s look hardened as he studied her. [color=9e0b0f]”We’ll begin bright and early tomorrow, just at dawn.”[/color] He said as he turned towards the den. Kiara watched his form disappear into the den. [color=gray]”Well, okay then.”[/color] she said quietly before walked over to the edge of the cliff face. Kiara sat down, letting her feet dangle over the edge as she relaxed, enjoying the beauty of nature. She watched sleepily as the sun set over the mountains and the sky turned into a rich, star-speckled indigo. She chilly night winds urged her to retire into the den, she would need her sleep for the days to come.