[hider=My Characters] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/96/df/b4/96dfb4a8d51e1833fa9624b0f770e800.jpg[/img] CS: Name: Aisling NĂ­ Cheallaighe, "She who is born of ashes" Race (Human or Type of Fae): Human Position (In court if you are a fae, Any fae outside of a court will be under extreme pressure): Servant to Tegvan O'Aenges-Mor Age: About 150 (Born in Victorian Era), looks 17-19 Personality (Fae type has effect): A once proud young woman, she was bent to the task of serving O'Aenges-Mor quickly. Still she snarks at her Lord Fae, and is more than willing to question him and his orders. But she knows any out right disloyalty could get her killed and if he were to die she would wish to perish soon after without his protection in the Fae Courts. She is sharp to others of lesser rank than she, and is wise to the way of the fae. A must within their realm. Appearance: Thick red hair falls to her waist and frames grey eyes. Pale skin from time spent with the Fall Court. She generally wears a heavy gown of dark green or brown with a cloak of grey. Dressing in the style of Victorian times. She appears and actually physically is around her seventeenth or nineteenth year. It is uncertain when she stopped aging after she was brought into the fae courts. She is a bit on the shorter side, and is petite. Background: Aisling was born to a wealthy family and had a very lovely childhood. She never had want for anything, but when she had fallen for a young man and learned a horrible truth that jeopardized her privileged life she panicked. Fleeing to the forest she sought solace while trying to comfort herself with something. It was there she was found by Tegvan O'Aenges-Mor of the Fae. She offered him anything, if only to grant her the answer to her problem. He gave her the promised answer and took her to the realm of the Fae as payment. She has served him ever since. CS: Name: Tegvan O'Aenges-Mor Race (Human or Type of Fae): Fall-born Fae [u][i][b]Supposedly[/b][/i][/u] Position (In court if you are a fae, Any fae outside of a court will be under extreme pressure): King of the Fall Court Age: Unknown Personality (Fae type has effect): Sharp as a blade, quick as a snake, Tegvan rules his Court with a iron fist and is more than willing to employ almost tyrannical means to get his Fae followers in line. His is swift with justice, and swifter with vengeance. He has a cruel amusement and enjoys the 'finer' things in life. Not to say he is without mercy. He doesn't even know the meaning of the word. Appearance: A tall fae, he appears as a dark shadowy form, or as a dark skinned fae with black armor some say is made of dim grey starlight. His ears have definite points and his nails as well. His eyes are the fall storms and his teeth are sharp as a blades. Ravens are said to be his cloak of feathers and his voice is said to be the rushing wind. In his glimmer spell, he takes the appearance of a tall man, with short black hair and pale blue eyes. His skin is periously pale and with high cheek bones and an arrow straight nose. His ears are however not pointed in the glimmer spell, rather human shaped and size. He usually wears something matching the current time, for the present it is dark jeans, black boots, and a loose grey shirt. His build is not bulky like the winter fae but rather well muscled and toned. Background: Tegvan O'Aenges-Mor is a ancient and powerful Fae. Little is known about him and why he took on a human pet is less understood. He is not a fae to cross though he does have his good points. Often putting out small prizes for the fae that messes the best with Spring and Summer Court, and dancing about the politics with the grace of a falling leaf. No one is certain how long he has held the throne but all have seen the tormented Fae who tried to take it from him. Their final moments imprisoned in artwork. He has no mercy, but is more than willing to listen to the lesser Fae before considering their points. Tegvan is not a Fae to cross and he makes that well known. But within him is a deep sorrow well hidden by the many, many years he has walked the earth and Fae Realm. [/hider]