[color=#9900cc] [h3][center]Mara Scelus[/center][/h3][/color] Kira hopped onto Mara’s shoulder just in time, and the wind rustled her purple-black hair backwards as the mob of pokemon rolled by. She couldn’t tell where the yanma stopped and the mareep began—they all merged together, held with the unnatural string shot. Gasping, she watched as they were headed straight for the oak! Uneasily, she glanced at Kira. She felt like there was something she was supposed to do—after all, Yasha had saved Kira, shouldn’t she at least [i]attempt[/i] to save Lulu? Alas, it was too late. The large ball collided, and the pokemon ball fell apart. A mess of string shot and pokemon were littered on the ground, neither of them daring to move. [color=#9900cc]“Did I… win?”[/color] Mara whispered, completely stunned. [color=#d966ff]”Espurr! Espurr! Espuuurrr!”[/color] Kira shouted, bouncing up and down in joy. He attempted to growl a bit, trying to look dangerous and scary. The only person he might have shocked would have been Professor Dogwood. Mara giggled a bit at his attempt at being manly and tough, but she was more dazzled when she received 200P for winning! It was more money than she had ever gotten at one time! The 500P that she brought with her on the trip had accumulated after careful saving—and here, 200P, just like that! Money wasn’t the most valuable thing to her, but she couldn’t help but feel elated, looking at the financial freedom. She wouldn’t be one of the trainers sleeping in the bushes after all! [color=#9900cc]”Kira, good job!”[/color] Mara praised, smiling widely. Her attention, then, went back to the fainted pokemon. She supposed that she ought to do something to help—it was only proper, right? [color=#9900cc]”Do you think we should rest your pokemon for the night? Give them a potion, perhaps? I’m sure either would suffice….”[/color] She suggested, looking at both Yasha and Rowan in turn. She hadn’t the faintest idea what to do with a fainted pokemon—hopefully one of them knew what to do. [hr][i]Location: Dewmeadow, Outside Dogwood’s Lab Current Team: [list] [*][indent]Kira the Espurr [img]http://i1289.photobucket.com/albums/b518/ThetaOswin/Kira%20the%20Espurr_zpsweugvdi2.gif[/img] Status: N/A Level: 7[/indent][/list]Inventory: Potion (1), Pokedollars (700), Dogwood Pokedex, Dogwood Ball (1)[/i]