[h2][center][color=9400D3][b]Zero Cross Arsenic[/b][/color][/center][/h2] Arsenic laughed saying, [color=9400D3]"Oh please, it wasn't that hard to figure out. So are you gonna let me in or are we going to let people watch? I mean I don't know about you, but I like keeping such shady business practices behind closed doors."[/color] He stretched himself out yawning his voice sounded funny from the gas mask he wore. He moved past Diane once she let him inside, and found the comfiest couch and plopped down into it. [color=9400D3]"Mm, corinthian leather. Nice, feels like a hug for my butt."[/color] He looked over at the television, and then finally back to Diane. [color=9400D3]"Oh where are my manners? My name is Zero Cross. Zero is good, but Arsenic is even better."[/color] He gave Diane a two fingered half hearted salute. Before he leaned his head back letting the chair's comfort suck him in. [color=9400D3]"So tell me something, how long have you held the underbelly of Treaft city in your hands? And would you like the chance to increase your reach even further than you could have ever dreamed possible?[/color] Arsenic was wanting to fold Diane's organization into his own easily. The best easy way was to make this small time gang banger actually want in to his organization.[hr] [h2][center][color=D4E9FA][b]Julia Winters Gadget[/b][/color][/center][/h2] Gadget was trying to get in close to the truck her hand having turned bionic. If she could just get onto the truck she could stop it without getting anyone hurt. Seeing some vigilante get up in front of the truck Gadget knew she had to move faster. It got even worse when they grabbed a manhole cover. [color=D4E9FA]"Please god, don't tell me she's thinking what I think she's thinking."[/color] She jumped from her bike onto the truck digging her metallic fingers into the metal of the truck. Quickly she her technokenisis to control her bike, and keep it beside the truck. Then started her hard climb up the truck to the driver. When she got there several bullets pierced through the roof at her, making her panic at first. Then covered the rest of her body in metal making the roof groan from her weight. [color=D4E9FA]"Okay just a bit further. Gotta get the driver, and stop this thing before they run that vigilante over.[/color] She smashed the driver side window, and punched the driver in the face twice ensuring they were unconscious. Before trying to rip them out of the truck, and take over. Only problem was they were buckled in. [color=D4E9FA]"OH FOR F**KS SAKE!"[/color] She sighed out, as she tried to think then realized. She used her powers to make the engine stall, and hit the brakes. Only issue with that was that she wasn't braced for what came next. The next thing Gadget knew she was flying through the air over the head of the vigilante. Then slammed into the ground creating a crater where she landed, and then rolled to a stop on her stomach. [color=D4E9FA]"Ooooowie.... Oooow oww owwwiieee road rash ow."[/color] She groaned in pain rolling onto her back, and breathed a few gasps of air.