Ah, that's good! :3 This form took a long while, surprisingly. o_o Username: Dragon Name: Cyril Leggieri Age: 15 Gender: Male Country of Origin: Italy [more specifically, Lipari, Sicily]. Role: Student -> Subordinate -> Future Eleventh Generation Storm Ring Guardian. Flame: Storm Weapon/Fighting Style: Will be [url= http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chakram]Chakrams[/url]; currently, he has no weapons and fights like a normal teenager- with his fists. Appearance: [url=http://s1104.photobucket.com/user/VioletZoeySmith1/media/Violet%20and%20boys/1ae57481358692de70447174bb9c9ff7.jpg.html]At fifteen years old[/url], Cyril has long hair that goes a bit past his neck. The young man is approximately 5’7—not necessarily tall, but he doesn’t care much for height. His physique is slender and built perfectly for someone who relies on speed. Even though he’s scrawny, one shouldn’t mess with Cyril. At [url=http://www.zerochan.net/1120564]twenty five years old (person on the right)[/url], his hair has become longer to the point where he can’t stand keeping it loose anymore; he keeps his rowdy hair tied up in a taut ponytail. Cyril continued to grow until he reached 5’9, yet he became a mere 136 pound man. It is obvious that Cyril has a small frame, even in his adult form. Personality: Cyril is [i]loud[/i], that is, if you want to put it simply. The young Italian man loves to be bustling about with his friends and making a giant ruckus. Leggieri adores forging new friendships, yet he is hesitant in breaking bonds. This does not mean that he does not scold allies who have done a wrong. He usually does this just as loudly as he does everything else, but no curses or threats ever escape his lips. Despite his rambunctious attitude in the streets of Venice, Cyril actually prefers to stay to himself, only spending time with his friends when they encounter him wandering around the town. Back at home, he spends time playing video games or simply reading a book. Even though Cyril is very spunky and fun loving, he often shows a grim and serious face to his extremely close friends. It’s almost as if he was a different person; he is much more prone to snapping and arguing with people he considers to be “brothers”. He believes that simple friends have looser bonds, thus he should be more laidback with them. When it comes to spending time with his “comrades”, as he calls them, he believes that their bonds are stronger and thus, he should behave in a much more serious manner. He tends to be very aggressive towards enemies; he states that, during battles [even simple scuffles with neighborhood rivals], one should show no mercy and should strike fear into their foes’ hearts. History: Cyril was born in Lipari to a subordinate of a very small Family. Being the only child, he was very pampered and spoiled. His parents would give him whatever he asked for. Yet, the younger years of his life were very lonely—he had no one his age to play with. Thus, he began spending his time reading books, drawing, and even writing. His sloppy artwork and crude stories began to evolve when he was around ten. It was at this time that he created very imaginative—and legible—stories of his own. Though, it was also around this time that his father began to show him how to fight and behave like a proper [i]Mafioso[/i]. Cyril found that he had less and less time to draw, read, or write, and this didn’t bode well with him. He was not interested in becoming part of the Family. When he told his parents, they paid him no heed. Cyril’s father continued to train him until he was about twelve. Frustrated at his predicament, and after having suffered under his father’s lessons for two years, he fled from his home in Lipari with only the clothes on his back and a pocket full of money. He used said money to take a ship to Venice, where he found his aunt. His aunt welcomed him with open arms and allowed him to stay at her home for as long as he needed. Cyril believed that his father would send someone after him, but none of the members of the Family back in Lipari ever showed up in Venice. The young man returned to his calm life style of drawing, reading, and writing. His aunt, of course, enrolled him in the local middle school in order for him to receive a proper education. Cyril picked up a few more hobbies, such as playing video games and (occasionally) playing the violin. He completely despises the mere talk of Mafia, yet some might say he's a little afraid of the notion. Overview: Cyril Leggieri is a dark haired, dark eyed fifteen year old who is laid back and rowdy with his acquaintances and friends, but fiery and serious with his close friends. His battle philosophy is “take no prisoners”. Born in Lipari, he fled to Venice at a young age and currently lives with his aunt. Other: “My aunt says that I should forgive my enemies. Now, where’s the fun in that?”