Sorry for the double-post, forgot to just add it to the above post. [hider=Richard "Nitro" Johnson] [b]Name:[/b] Richard “Nitro” Johnson [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 24 [b]Rank:[/b] Driver [b]Appearance:[/b] [hider=Faceclaim][IMG][/IMG] [/hider] Richard is an African American man standing at 5,8” and weighing around 160 pounds. His body is rather slim, but still looks athletic enough. His head is almost always shaved clean, but he likes to keep some beard around his chin. His eyes are of a deep brown, and he usually wears a pair of simple, red glasses. When it comes to clothing, Richard often wears a simple jeans and tshirt combo, nothing too fancy, as comfort is the most important aspect for him. When the situation requires it, he can be seen wearing a dressing shirt and some chinos. Sneakers are his go-to footwear, and he does not wear any jewelry but a simple silver chain around his neck. [b]Bio:[/b] Richard was born into a middle-class family in a rather calm district of Chicago. His mother is a middle school teacher, his dad used to own a little mechanic shop until he retired. Richard’s childhood was fairly uneventful: He went to school, had okay grades, made friends and did what kids do to pass the time. As he started to get older, he became more and more interested in cars and how they worked, starting to spend more and more time in his dad’s shop, watching him repair cars. It didn’t take long until Richard started working on them as well, learning from his old man the tricks of the trade. It was a fun, a place where he could be by himself to think and work. If things had gone differently, Richard might have taken over his dad shop once he got old enough, but life seemed to have other plans. Richard’s friends were good kids for the most part, but there were a few who started to get involved in some shady business. Richard wanted nothing to do with that, until eventually his dad became ill. The medical bills were high, and although his family had been saving up for eventualities, the money ran out too soon. As the financial and medical problems started to weigh down his parents, Richard decided it was time to step up and do something. His friends gladly accepted him into their small-time gang, robbing little stores and gas stations. Eventually, the group realized that Richard’s ability behind the wheel was unmatched, allowing them to make quick getaways and getting away from the occasional cop car that followed them. Richard knew every street and shortcut in the city, and always took care of his cars to make sure they never let him down. The money they stole was enough to help with the bills, but not nearly enough to save his parents from taking up another credit. Richard realized that, if he wanted to be helpful for real, he needed a gang that fried bigger fish. Contacting some of the shady people he had met over the years, he eventually landed at the Block 66 HQ, hoping to prove his worth. The group was known for being a tight-knitted family, someone who didn't like outsiders when it came to making business. His offer was a simple one: Richard was the best getaway driver in the city, and he was offering to ride for the crew, as long as the cut was right. It wasn't easy to convince the leader, but after a few succesful getaways, Richard was formely accepted as a member of the crew. To keep up appearances, he works as a cab driver, which allows him to make some money on the side, as well as the freedom to carry out missions for the crew when needed. His ultimate goal is to save up enough money to help his parents pay for everything. [b]Personality:[/b] Richard is a rather calm and collected individual. When you are going 180mph, you need a clear head and a collected self to make the right decisions and not get caught, and Richard excels at that part. He does not talk much, preferring to be the observant listener in a conversation. He is a fairly simple man, trying his best to help his parents in need. He also dislikes violence, only becoming an attacker when the situation definitely requires it. This makes Richard a rather weak individual when it comes to confrontation. However, he is skilled with people, a good listener who knows when to give advice and when to keep his mouth shut. It's hard to make Richard nervous, as he almost always keeps a cool head. His personality slightly changes when he is behind the wheel, becoming a lot more ballsy, and well, to some even crazy. Going fast is his motto, and there is very few people who can keep up with him. [b]Other:[/b] Richard is an avid reader, especially crime and thriller novels. When he is working his cab shift, you will usually see him reading a book as he is waiting for a passenger. He also loves listening to music, especially Hip-Hop and RnB.[/hider] Hoping this meets expectations, sorry again for the delay