[hr][center][h1][i][color=9966ff] Lihn Phan [/color] & [color=B0E0E6] Kei Phan[/color] [/i][/h1][/center][hr] [i][u] RAVEN/DOVE West Coast Joint Headquarters, White Coast [/u][/i] "So you're finally awake, huh?" Kei looked slightly confused as his sister walked into the room he had only woken up in hours before. He wasn't entirely sure what had happened. He remembered that loads of metahumans began to lose control because something happened to Anna. Then he had started draining her power or something. After that he had frozen himself, and probably her. What on earth had happened since then? "You were out for a week," Lihn somehow understood his confused expression, moving to sit down on a chair beside his bed. She seemed tired, and worn out. It was an odd look on his normally calm and organised sister. "I left Thanh at home with a babysitter, though she wasn't too happy about it." "Oh." Kei had been wondering where the young girl, who more often than not clung to her mother, had been. "How have you been since...?" He didn't really feel the need to continue. He was sure she knew what he meant, and he'd rather not discuss it right now. "Things have been stressful. Normal people don't exactly like metahumans at the moment. I've lost a few clients in the past week. They knew all knew I was a metahuman when I become their therapist. I was always open about that. Now some of them are claiming they're worried I'll get into their head! As if. I don't stop being a professional just because I'm a metahuman." Lihn folded her arms with a sigh. She looked more worn out than angry. Though Kei was sure she had been angry at first. "Enough have stayed that I've not lost my job. Still, I think I might start looking for something more metahuman specific." She paused, frowning. "Sorry, this is probably too much considering you just woke up." "It's fine, I'd rather listen than talk," Kei shrugged. "I see a week asleep hasn't made you any less lazy," Lihn laughed slightly. "But I guess that means you're feeling fine if you're being your normal self." She smiled. "Hmm, anyway, this unfortunately had to be a short visit. I have a meeting with a client quite soon." "You should probably go then... I'll be fine." Kei just wanted to go back to sleep, honestly. He felt so tired and drained. And he wanted to find out what happened but he doubted he'd know any time soon. "Bring Thanh next time." Lihn smiled, standing up. "I will. Try not to get into another mess before I see you again." Kei just nodded in response as his sister left. He wasn't in a rush to go anywhere anytime soon. [hr][center][h1][i] [color=00ff7f] Rori Aherne [/color] [/i][/h1][/center][hr] [i][u] West Woodlake, Hedgemount [/u][/i] Rori hadn't really left the house in a week. They'd, thankfully, been sent back home pretty quickly after recovering from the incident at the mall. Though Max had made her best effort to try and be around as much as possible, since Rori wasn't exactly in the best state, her workload had hardly decreased. As a result Rori had spent most of the last week alone. They didn't particularly mind it. It was, after all, their own choice to not go out. At least it was in some ways. Their main way of getting about had always been as a bird. They hadn't tried to transform since their body had changed and grown more birdlike. Though they disliked admitting it they were slightly scared that something abnormal may happy. They were probably just being cautious. They would try it again when they were sure they'd properly recovered. It had been a bit of a task getting used to having wings. Rori had had to go through all of their clothes and cut slits in the back for any of them to fit. Thankfully the tail was less of an issue. Though they had grown more feathers, they had also began shedding some the past week. So it seemed the ones that had reached their face weren't permanent. Rori hoped that would happen to the wings. Rori was used to them now... But they were hardly useful. Not like Rori's eyes, or anything else. The wings were just there. For now Rori was curled up in the living room, sketching. They'd almost completely filled this sketchpad with drawings in just the past week. They varied in theme from things about the house to what they often drew; birds. They'd even tried a few self portraits. They had to admit one thing about having wings; it made them far easier to draw when they had real ones right there to copy. Still, they were running out of inspiration. And their writing wasn't getting anywhere. Not to mention that they had been struggling to play any of their instruments recently. They weren't sure why, but they felt like they were more clumsy than before. Maybe it was a lack of practice. They should really concentrate on their music at some point. Still, now wasn't the time. It didn't help the fact that they were [i]bored.[/i] Maybe, just maybe, they should actually venture out. It was probably a good idea. Yeah, a short walk would be nice. They'd do that. Sighing softly, Rori stood up and sent their sister a quick text. There was no longer any way to hide that they were a freakish bird hybrid so they didn't even bother to pull on a scarf as they stepped out the door.