[quote=@shylarah] [@Prince of Seraphs] Thank you very much. One more question. Would a human's true name be their given name at birth, or something else? I'm toying with a few different ideas, here, for characters. I kinda wanna play my post-grad med student/doctor character Maxwell, but he's usually got some sort of magical talent for healing, and it doesn't sound like that'd work here. He's also a sworn pacifist, at least in his original setting, and that was magically enforced, though I could probably make than an effect of something he said wrong in the fey realm. Not that he can't sorta help people that are gonna cause harm, but he himself cannot. ...Actually, I might be able to. Ooh, ideas ideas. Right, changelings are classic fey, but they end up in the human realm for whatever reason. And a human coming to the aid of a fey is often rewarded in some fashion....Let's see. A descendant of a changeling, several generations later, might show a hint of magic but not enough to be recognized as such -- certainly not very strong without some sort of official training. Training might allow for a significant ability to be gained, thus his healing magic, which started out as just a very minor thing but is now stronger. Usually it's one of Max's ancestors that saves the life of a fey, with repayment being a promise to come to that person's aid or the aid of one of their descendants, when they are in mortal danger. Max is the (un)lucky winner. But if he's being threatened by someone with a gun, or a steel knife, I imagine the fey would not be pleased if his attackers landed a hit on the her as she drives them off. So to balance the harm done her, she might take him to the fey realm? Ugh, it needs more work. @.@ [/quote] The True name is the one given to someone at birth. Most fae are given a name by their parents which is there true name and another which is used in common company. Regarding your ideas, I'm not sure how LadyRunic wanted to handle changelings since she does switch up the lore on certain things but in classic folklore a fae will steal a human child and replace it with one of its own who is sickly and weak, in this manner they gain a servant and sometimes a consort later in life and leave the human parents to raise a fae child who likely won't live long. Few changelings ever reach the age at which they could bear a child and those that do generally would have powers so weak that they might not manifest in the next generation saying nothing of several generations down. Plus I believe LadyRunic's ruling on fae breeding dictated that in order for the child to be born a fae they have have two fae parents. A child born of a human and a fae would be human. Perhaps with some unearthly physical traits but no powers. Not to step on your other idea but fae are very careful about the kind of promises they make. Even if a human saved a fae live and they made a promise to that human I can't see a fae binding themselves to and entire bloodline in that fashion unless some other aspect was at play. Perhaps in some distant past on of Max's ancestors came across a dying fae in a time when they were still considered real. She begged for his help getting home and in exchange he demanded her true name, to avoid being tricked or some such. Then the name got passed down from father to son and mother to daughter and over the years it became sort of a family deity to Max's house. In modern day this fae's true name is something of an extreme swear word that Max's family says in really bad situations. Max is in some sort of mortal danger, some of his blood is spilled and he uses her name, this acts as a very crude version of a blood rite which summons the fae girl to him. She saves his life but furious at being dragged into the human world she takes him back to the fae realm, or perhaps she takes him there to heal him and save his life. Whatever suits your fancy.