[center][img]http://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/s--Dyk9faki--/itxxpeyfyvixlrr18dxn.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1]Saturn Prison[/h1][/center] [hr] "Are you serious...?" He could not believe what he was hearing. "Yes, I'm serious." The man in the formal suit answered, his hands behind his back. Archer Matthew Kent never expected something like this. This man was telling him that he could help him control his powers, and use them for good. "Nah..nah, you're crazy." Archer snorting, looking up at the man. "You think you can help me?" Archer than chuckled a little. Who could help a living nuke? And why choose Archer, out of all the expert Gifted people in this hell hole of a prison. "Listen, Mr. Kent. I'm offering you a chance, a chance to become something more. Plus, you'll get out of this 'hell hole of a prison." What? Archer wondered, this man just said exactly what he was thinking. Is he-? "Yes, I am a Gifted. I'm reading your mind." The man said instantly as soon as Archer thought it. Archer raised an eyebrow up at the man, how does he get to have a normal life out of cell, but other people that are Gifted can't? "...Who-?" Archer said, but didn't get to finish. "I'm Dr. David Peterson, a Gifted like you who wants to help people understand their powers. I also believe that heroes are needed in the world." "Stop it." Archer said. It was starting to get annoying to be predicted. Archer thought about it, a chance to learn how to control his powers. He'd never have to hide again. And hell, he'd get to leave the prison. Archer shook the doctor's hand, and the doctor briefly smiled. "Come with me." Archer got up, and the guard walked in to take off his cuffs. Archer walked down the hallway and noticed there were others following the doc. He must have recruited them as well. "Where are we heading?" Archer asked. Peterson turned his head, and said "Just wait." All of them got into a large elevator, heading to the surface of Saturn Prison. He noticed a few people that seemed strange. A ten year old boy, a white haired teenager, and an old man? The old guy seemed buff, and looked like he's probably served in the military. The elevator reached the surface. The sunlight blinding Archer as he winced and covered his eyes. He hasn't seen daylight in quite some time. That's when he saw it, and his jaw nearly hit the floor. [url=https://youtu.be/8VGJGXMUhmc]Heroic Theme[/url] It was a jet, but it wasn't some regular jet. It seemed like it belongs 200 years from now. With yellow and blue lines designed around the jet. A black guy inside with a headset waved to the group of Gifted to get in. This was going to be one hell of time. [center][h1]GUARDIANS: Next Wave[/h1][/center]