[@T Risket][@RBYDark] Very true, less is more! Or as one can say it; Keep it simple, Stupid. We'll probably have a load of short posts later on as the conversations and speculation about what is actually going on, continues. But yeah, I'm also working towards me exams, so my head is a little bit occupied with Norwegian language history and all that jazz. But I'm still keeping this RP alive, mark my words! [b]Famous last words.[/b] [@Darcness] Hi there, don't think I've seen you before. How did you happen to end up here in our lovely RP? Edit: And congratulations everyone with having begun on Page 2! It's a record, huzzah! Let's celebrate with booze and stuff! Edit#2: And posted, hopefully they weren't too sucky. Let's get some mythos uncovered, people!