[h2][center][color=D4E9FA][b]Julia Winters Gadget[/b][/color][/center][/h2] Julia looked up at Agent with her glowing blue eyes they'd dull then brighten as she tried to remain conscious. The fall she'd taken was really bad going from around eighty mph to zero flat. It was enough to kill most people seeing as they were usually hitting a wall. But, thankfully with the use of her powers it hadn't come to that. No one besides her had gotten hurt, slowly she returned to her fleshen form. Her body was covered in scrapes, bruises, and a cut here or there. [color=D4E9FA]"Thank goodness... You're alright.[/color] Gadget smiled up at Agent then shut her eyes breathing shallowly, she was in a lot of pain. It was only thanks to her hard metallic body, and healing factor she'd be right as rain in a few hours. [color=D4E9FA]"Tell me something, what were you thinking when you jumped in front of that truck?"[/color] She opened her eyes again to look at Agent she was starting to heal already the cuts knitting themselves together, while the bruises began vanishing. Slowly she began to sit up grimacing a little. Despite that she just knew she should get out of the road. So that way people could continue on with their business. SHe had her bike pull up to her, and Agent. Then took a look at it, and started using her powers to mend anything damaged. She looked over at Agent again then back to her bike. [color=D4E9FA]"My name is Gadget by the way. What's yours?"[/color][hr][h2][center][color=9400D3][b]Zero Cross Arsenic[/b][/color][/center][/h2] Arsenic chuckled, [color=9400D3]"Simple really, what I'm proposing is a joining of organizations. I'll leave you in charge of this city, but in exchange you'll answer to me. Given your co-operation, I'll see fit to send you resources, and manpower to start taking over the neighboring cities. Then eventually the entire state, I could even make you a mayor if you wanted. From the money you'll get this house will seem like a mobile home."[/color] He made his arms move up, and around gesturing at Diane's home as he burst into laughter. Though in one second flat grew deadly serious. He seemed to be looking at her like a tiny bug on his windshield. Then in a hushed voice said,[color=9400D3]"Though of course if you betray me, I'll kill you. Just like I killed the other man you were actually supposed to meet."[/color] He looked to the man taking drink orders, and became cheery again. [color=9400D3]"I'll take a pina colada my good man. Be sure to put a bendy straw in it, thanks."[/color] Then he turned back to Diane his eyes shutting as he smiled at her. [color=9400D3]"Well what do you say? Doesn't that sound like fun? Huh, huh?"[/color] His head tilting innocently even though he could easily kill Diane, and she could feel that. [hr][@1Hawkeyes]