[center][h1][color=black]Klaus Van Untergang[/color][/h1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/0bd107e34096c57c172b9b0a9a91a78b/tumblr_neapbd9y3f1rb5kh3o1_500.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Garden [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b]Emilia | Will | Elijah [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Ecstasy → Determination → Curiosity[/center] One by one, the mortified Mayweather students began to drop. Fear was a funny thing. It could trick your body into believing you are in pain when you are, in fact, not. The mental anguish that Klaus Van Untergang's powers put people through was enough to drive the mind to the brink of insanity. He could only imagine the terrifying images flashing in their minds; to them, whatever they saw was as real as their own flesh and blood. The heroes screamed for help. They cried for mercy. One of them, the young woman whom had assisted Ballista earlier, went so far as to beg. The young Nazi leader chuckled, a grin dancing on the edge of his mouth. He loved to watch them squirm. He couldn't explain it. Whenever he used his abilities a flood of ecstasy washed over him. It was addictive. A drug, one might say. Perhaps that is why Klaus was always so intent on using his powers on others. Whatever the case, Van Untergang would draw the feeling out as long as possible. He had time. [b][color=black]"You know, people believe me insane."[/color][/b] Klaus said, his eyes fixated on Ballista. [b][color=black]"What was your name again?"[/color][/b] He asked. The man merely groaned in pain. [b][color=black]"Hmph. Chike?"[/color][/b] The group's tech head quickly scanned over Mayweather's student list for Ballista's real name. "Mark Winters, sir. His abilities include heat vision and minor energy manipulation." Klaus nodded. [color=black][b]"Thank you. Since I have a captive audience, I might as well give my usual spiel. "Do you watch the news, Mr. Winters? I assume so. There was a recent story about a hero in Saudi Arabia. He used his abilities to feed the hungry. The man built a hundred homeless shelters with his own two hands. I imagine you'd like him. A real nice guy. Do you know what happened to him? He was found hanging from a street lamp with a noose around his throat. His body mutilated and burned. But that isn't the worst of it. Oh no. The animals don't stop there. No, they decided to write a message in the street with his blood. Do you know what it said? 'Al mawt li shaytan.' Or death to the demon. He protected these people. He fed them, clothed them, gave them a roof over their heads. And you know how humanity repays this saint? THEY FUCKING KILL HIM. Slaughter him like...like a pig! This isn't uncommon, either. Super powered beings face the most discrimination of any 'ethnic group', bar none. Mankind thinks us hellspawn. Monsters to be destroyed. You heroes need to realize that they are the true enemy, not me. I am fighting for our people. To protect them from that filth. I want to rid the world of hatred and murder. And the only way to do that...is to cure the disease. To cut out the tumor. I-"[/b][/color] Someone called Klaus's name, causing him to stop. He looked toward the sound and was rather surprised by its source. [b][color=black]"Elijah?"[/color][/b] He inquired. [b][color=black]"Starting to go soft, are you? These...students...attacked me. I was merely defending myself. I believe I have the right to self defense, no? Or have they taken that from us as well?"[/color][/b] With a flick of his wrist, Übermensch knocked Ballista unconscious with one last burst of fear. [b][color=black]"We'll finish that later. For now.." [/color][/b]He turned back toward the pyrokinetic. [color=black][b]"I'm curious. What stake have you in this conflict? You're not one to get involved in things that are none of your concern. Not that I have seen. I doubt you care about these insects."[/b][/color] Masterson was an enigma. Klaus knew little of him. No one knew much of anything about the man. He had considered approaching the villain, convincing him to join the cause. Van Untergang had never followed though. He knew there was something off about the pyro. Perhaps it was his ability to resist Klaus's fear manipulation? After all, a lack of control was one of Übermensch's greatest fears. It made sense; on a subconscious level. Before Elijah and Klaus could continue their lovely conversation, yet another figure appeared to save the day. This one, however, was far less welcome than Klaus's fellow Delphina. He recognized the Mayweather student as William Blake. The boy represented everything Klaus hated about Mayweathers. The cocky, joking mannerisms. The arrogant, 'I'm better than you' attitude. Oh, and the self righteous way they glared at the Delphina kids just for being Delphina. [color=black][b]"Ah! Mr. Blake! What an unwelcome surprise. If you truly believe that defending our people is a 'shitty idea,' then I cannot fathom how unbelievably stupid you really are. Now run along, boy; or face the same fate as your friends."[/b][/color] But of course, that wasn't all. How could it be? It only made sense that others would arise to further escalate the situation. A rather skimpily clad young woman marched right into the center of the Mexican standoff, shouting complete nonsense at the top of her lungs. Klaus could already tell she was the most annoying, infuriating creature on the face of the earth by the first six words that came out of her mouth. The typical jabs at his heritage. The constant stream of vulgarity. That accent. Her apparent telepathy. [color=black][i][b]Oh yes. I hate you already.[/b][/i][/color] Klaus took a deep breathe before addressing the girl. "I don't know how you know about that, but I will only tell you this once: stay out of my head or you will not live to regret it." Emilia had made a mistake getting so close to Klaus. The potency of his powers increased exponentially the closer you were to him. The nazi's cruel eyes locked with the young woman's as he resisted smiling. He stopped sucking the terror from the unconscious heroes and poured all of his power into Robinson. The feeling would be immediately discomforting. She would feel compelled to recall her most terrifying memories. To dwell on her worst fears. That compulsion would grow until it completely consumed her every thought. From there, Klaus's power would dominate the girl's senses; she would begin to see and hear things that weren't there. Hallucinations led to unimaginable pain. Most lost consciousness once the phantom pain reached its climax. Those who didn't, however, suffered a far worse fate... [b][color=black]"I am Klaus Van Untergang. I am the Übermensch. The Superman. And I will not be trifled with."[/color][/b] [hr] [center][h1][color=ed1c24]James Spinne[/color][/h1] [img]http://66.media.tumblr.com/36f4a71ae4e83fb37c82005da6c88cec/tumblr_inline_nlmv7zshUB1rifr4k.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] The Fountain [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b] Brenna | Gianna | Kayla [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b] Excited/Nervous/Allthefeels[/center] Arachnid stood on the tips of his shoes, hanging precariously as he looked out at all the passing students below. He wasn't looking for anyone in particular; he was just sort of hoping something interesting would happen so he didn't have to just swing around all day. As much fun as web swinging is, its extremely tiring on the arms. And work is not Spinne's forte. James grinned from ear to ear when he got Brenna's text. He wasn't expecting her [i]actually[/i] invite him to do something. Sweet! [color=ed1c24][i]Alright. I'm going to be spending quality time with the literal girl of my dreams. Don't screw this up, Spidey.[/i][/color] Letting out a wordless shout of pure bliss, James allowed himself to fall off the flag pole and go plunging toward the ground. Moments before he was too close to correct, James thwipped off a line of webbing toward the nearby dorm building. His feet barely touched the top of the grass as he soared across the ground and back into the air. The fountain was just a short web swing away from where he currently was. A shame. He would've loved to put in some more air time. But alas, Brenna was far more important than simple thrill seeking. Spider-Boy spotted the fountain after a short flight through the air. He saw three distinctively curvy figures standing around, likely waiting for his arrival. Or maybe not. Who knows. James tucked his knees in and took in a gulp of rushing wind. He had an idea. A stupid, stupid idea. But if it worked...Yeah. Totally worth it. He shifted his weight to the left to change the direction of his swing juuust slightly. His eyes locked on his destination. This was the riskiest part. He had to eyeball the landing and hope he could stick it. [color=ed1c24][i]Here goes nothing![/i][/color] Spinne disconnected from his final web line and flipped forward, soaring past the clouds and rocketing toward the ground at incredible speeds. James stuck his arms and legs out in a specific way to hopefully slow down enough to avoid breaking any bones. [color=ed1c24][i]Brace for impact![/i][/color] James fell to the ground with a thump. He rolled with the collision for half a second before bracing himself on one knee in front of Brenna Lancaster. [color=ed1c24]"My lady."[/color] He said, taking a short bow while attempting to hold back a giggle fit. James stood to his feet and looked at Gianna and the girl he didn't recognize. [color=ed1c24]"Hey." [/color]He said, offering Gia a short wave. Spinne approached the stranger, offering a hand to her. [color=ed1c24]"My names James. I'm the one who leaves the white sticky stuff all over the walls."[/color] When James let go of her hand, he popped off a small ball of spider silk into the girl's hand. [color=ed1c24]"Heh. So, I was told we were going shopping?"[/color] [center][h1][color=?]Jessica Sterling[/color][/h1] [img]http://67.media.tumblr.com/06cebdcb24b06d74369830d67901ea84/tumblr_mudobl8gqm1rlb6iho1_400.gif[/img] [b][u]Location;[/u][/b] Control Room [b][u]Interacting With;[/u][/b]Harold | Jackson [b][u]Mood;[/u][/b]Focused[/center] "Sounds like fun." Jessica said in response to Jack's story. She had experienced such a thing but had witnessed a similar level of negligence before. It seemed the three of them had reached an agreement and made their way inside the primary section of the Control Room. All this talk of learning to socialize was great and all but Jess was here for one reason: to train. She came here every morning to do this. In Jessica's mind, there was nothing more important than learning how to properly harness her abilities. Control was everything for her. Growing in strength was just a positive side effect at this point. So she came to the gym every day for as long as she could manage and taught herself how to achieve that control in even the most volatile situations. Most people didn't understand and likely never would. Whatever. What they thought of Sterling didn't matter in the slightest. She wandered over to one of the many combat drones throughout the expansive room and began tinkering with its settings. She did stop, however, to watch Jackson demolish one of the AIs. The speed with which he won the bout denoted that he did so without difficulty. [color=silver]"Didn't give it much chance to think. You know, stopping time is the definition of cheating."[/color] Jessica pointed out with a grin. When Hunt took a moment to rest she decided to turn her attention back to the task at hand. Jess changed the machine's setting to red mode, increasing its difficultly. The machine came to life, its artificial limbs unfolding from its body as it stood to its full height. The thing was thin, with a pale armored hide. It was shaped like a human but without any kind of detail. The drone's arm opened up, a crimson energy cannon popping out of its appendage. Jessica dove to the ground to avoid being blasted apart; the energy impacted with the small combat zone's invisible barrier, causing it to ripple. She sprung back to her feet, uppercutting the robot right in the jaw. The machine flew backwards into the barrier with enough force to crack its metal torso. The machine wasn't done, however, as its other arm produced a blade out of the gauntlet. It charged forward, firing off another round of energy at Invincible. Jessica brought her hands up in front of her face and absorbed the energy with a grunt. The robot was already on top of her, swinging its sword arm at her head by the time she lowered her guard. The cut hurt but didn't manage to break the skin. Jess took the opportunity to grab the thing's outstretched arm and pull it out of its socket and palm strike it where a human's solar plexus would be. The previously damaged chest piece didn't stand up to the force and crumbled inward. The drone's eyes went black as it deactivated. A pair of smaller machines appeared from the walls and went to work cleaning up the mess and reassembling the robot. [color=silver]"See. Now that was a fight."[/color] Jessica placed her hands on her hips, her breathing only slightly heavier than before. [color=silver]"That was just a warm up, though."[/color]