[@turbine] [@whimsley] [color=darkorchid][center][h1]Derrik sculler[/h1][/center][/color] Pokemon team: -N/A Inventory: -1 potion -500 pokedollars __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ He searched every nook and cranny and found nary a trace of weakness or hidden switches. The inspection further proved it impossible to open the door without a key and decided it best to leave it there, or at least he would if not for the crowd of researchers behind him getting antsy and showing signs of a wild mob. Turning with the intent to try and calm them down; instead came to face a well groomed male who gave off the overwhelming scent of cologne. So much that it almost made him sneeze with a tickle in his rag stuffed nose, which, thankfully dulled the encroaching aroma threatening to choke him. This guy seemed to be a guy who cared too much about his appearance, but that warning to the crowd about depriving them of pokemon certainly took guts.'[color=darkorchid]Got to like the cut of his gib right?[/color]' Unfortunately that threat didn't last long; already the researchers were getting riled up again, looking about ready to charge the door like an enraged beast.'[color=darkorchid] Now enough of that! Ain't no need to get rough, but if need be then this one will settle it.[/color]' Having to just about shout at the top of his lungs due to his voice being nasally and a crack of knuckles causing the trained muscles of his arms to flex. Violence, the last thing he wanted to resort to, but a wild mob rampaging left unchecked was far worse. The metallic click and whoosh of air brushing against his back had thankfully put an quick end to that thought. The loud ramblings of the impatient crowd went silent as Derrik turned to find a young lady in a highly advanced wheelchair. Surprise at the sight; her endless string of sorry was rather cute and seeing she seemed distraught, thought to comfort her. Only to be cut off by a particular researcher who outright insulted her while dancing like a buffoon. Of all the things he had been taught; an especially important one being to never disrespect woman and couldn't let it go and planned to retort and again beaten to the punch and by Miss Evergreen at that. Getting a first hand view of her banter, where everyone got to see the blowhard get knocked off his feet. He couldn't help but burst out into laughter.'[color=darkorchid]Really gave that dipstick a what for she did. Good on ya handlin that bounce, lass.[/color]' Shaking his head with a wide grin as he walked over to his bag to find snow had been kicked onto it, but it bothered him none and after dusting off the snow had hoisted it up onto his back. Derrik started to turn back to the lab, though it still didn't fit right in his gut and turned, instead to the fur coated prick and pointed a finger at him.'[color=darkorchid] Know I ain't got no beef with ya...but disrespect a lady like that in front of me again and..well I'd have ta give ya a hard pop square on the mug o yours, no offense mind. Ya have a good day.[/color]'It was odd telling someone a warning in such a kind manner and followed by a brief wave then he headed off towards the open doorway. Stopping just before the professor to give a tap of his hat.'[color=darkorchid] Miss Evergreen, lovely day it is.[/color]' A nod of his head then walked in; curious of what sights awaited him in this laboratory.