[@KindledBeast] Jessalyn thought of his origin in full, wondering what he had done previously in his Country, before being shipped off here. She had been forturnate, and wondered if he had the same ease. When he brought up obstacles, the scars on her face began to burn irritably. [color=CC9BB4]”No, I was one of the lucky few. I did know many with obstacles though.”[/color] She watched him take a step closer, which made her heart pound and her curiosity thrum. They [i]had[/i] been flirting, but not enough for him to make a move. His charming smile and wink were no longer reassuring, because her suspicion had been fully aroused. She knew he hadn't been thinking she was an easy score, had he? She took a tentative step to the side, increasing her pace so she was ahead of him. Her smile returned, and she glanced back at him. [color=CC9BB4]”Oh yes, a quick spar would be lovely. Race you the rest of the way?”[/color] She planned on getting there ahead of him, and disguising herself. It wasn't the most fair tactic, but she wanted to prove herself in a fight. Without waiting for his response, she rushed ahead, drawing out her fans as she moved. With a flick of her wrist, her fans bloomed and she fluttered them for an extra burst of speed.