[hider=Momo Kurii] [center][img]http://safebooru.org//images/285/84a33bd5124524d07b21d7df29ac5245163d0e6e.jpg[/img][/center] [hr] [center][b]Name:[/b] Momo Kurii[/center] [center][b]Age:[/b] 24[/center] [center][b]Nationality:[/b] Japanese[/center] [center][b]Appearance: [/b] In addition to the above, Momo wears a red kimono and black zori sandals accompanied with tabi.[/center] [center][b]Height:[/b] 170 cm/5'6"[/center] [center][b]Weight:[/b] 132lbs.[/center] [center][b]Weapon(s):[/b] Momo carries with her, [url=https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Japanese_war_fan]two Tessen (Japanese war fans)[/url] [url=https://www.miyako.pl/environment/cache/images/0_0_productGfx_423aad7c411041a47802e4ec691cbbe8.jpg]named Business and Pleasure[/url], normally she only uses one so that she doesn't stand out, but in the case her first one were to be disarmed from her hands, she will produce her other fan. To the untrained eye, these fans look like any run-of-the-mill folding fans, but to those who are able to see through their innocent visage, one will notice that the fans's outer spokes are made of iron, some of which are even bladed so that she can even the odds, or in the case her target becomes too dangerous.[/center] [center][b]Fighting Style:[/b] Being an Oiran, Momo usually relies on her body and charm to lure unwitting prey into her arms, and once they've got their guard down, she goes in for the kill. If her target manages to survive and fight back, Momo will not hesitate to use the arts of Tessenjutsu to stop her foe, relying on precise counters and parries and delivering deft counterattacks either with the bladed tips of her fan or by using it as a club. She likes to implement an additional element to her fighting by using many graceful movements, some of which look like dancing, and times where she feints the opponent into thinking she's going to do a certain attack only to bait them out the last second to deal a deadly blow. Perhaps the biggest flaw in Momo's fighting style is the fact it is very precise and requires many just movements. One small miscalculation could lead to her downfall, and she hugely relies on her ability to dodge and fake out opponents due to her low defenses, and as such, relentless attacks and continued assaults also pose a problem for her.[/center] [center][b]Searching For:[/b] Neither, she is participating in the tournament solely for the money.[/center] [center][b]Personality:[/b] As expected from her line of work, Momo has an air of elegance to her character. She is dignified, serene, submissive, and eager to please her clients. Her polite nature and silent beauty strike charm in many a man's heart however, this is all a facade she merely uses for her other line of work. By day, she is an Oiran, an entertainer in many fields ranging from music to carnal pleasures, but when the doors close and the windows are shut, she reveals her true nature as a greedy, and ambitious woman. In actuality Momo is part of an unnamed clan who uses her work as an Oiran as a cover up so that they may take the gold of those foolish enough to believe her lies, or those who dare oppose her and her clan. Solely interested in monetary gain, Momo's main goal in life is to acquire as many money as she can, her motivation is unclear, even to those within her clan. Despite being a lure and more than adept to take the life of many, she despises taking the life of another, especially her clients, and she has an instilling fear that she may get too attached to some of them and hinder her actual work.[/center] [center][b]Background:[/b] 1566, Kyoto. Raised under the roof of a middle-class family, Momo Kurii was taught by her mother how to become the ideal and desirable picture of a Japanese woman, the process was long and tough, she endured whatever punishment beheld her with the mistakes she made along the way. At age eighteen, she was already shaping up into what her mother had expected her to, but tragedy struck them when their funds were hitting an all time-low, and her parents struggled to provide for both their child and to pay taxes. Taking initiative and using the many skills her mother taught her, Momo hesitantly sought out to sell her body as a courtesan, at first she disliked the idea and thought of herself as impure and no better than filth for stooping so low just to help out her family, but she firmly believed what she was doing was for the greater good of her parents, even if it meant dishonor and shame. Eventually, one client of hers happened to scouting for recruits and was impressed not only by her beauty, but her various skills in the arts. Hopeful, Momo joined the clan and was trained in the arts of Tessenjutsu in order to defend both the clan and herself from those who would attack it, they found a use for her as a [i]'honey trap'[/i] of sorts, luring foolish men into compromising positions and usually asking for money in return, and if they don't pay up, expect to never hear from him ever again. Recently, she had caught wind that a tournament would be held with a large sum of gold being the prize. A smile on her face, the woman set out for her destination.[/center] [/hider]