KWAN Kwan always enjoyed her strolls through the market because she saw so many new and interesting wares presented. She stopped from time to time asking where such things had traded and had the merchant themselves been there. It was the easiest way to discover the next leg of her journey around the world. She stopped by the guild of Captains and asked at the desk were there any new rudders (Sailing maps) being placed on auction and was informed that there were none yet. Her next question did though bare fruit when she found that there were Three ships up for inspection and auction later that week. She was pleased to find that one was a two Masted Brigantine in fair condition who's owner could be found at the "Lusty Sea Stallion" She was soon on a mission to seek out the owner of the Otter which was the name of the Brigantine she might soon own. She gave little and no thought to her surroundings as the area where the Lusty Sea Stallion was seemed a bit rough for a Lady of her means and bearing.