[hider=Eron Biscus] Name: Eron Biscus Age: 27 Nationality: Gibraltarian [hider=Appearance][img]http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/monsterhunter/images/6/6d/FrontierGen-Tonfa_Equipment_Render_005.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/603?cb=20140514053925[/img][/hider] Height: 6'2 Weight: 174lbs Weapon(s): Dual tonfas Fighting Style: Eron fights rather defensively with his tonfas. Even though he could easily extend his reach by using the other ends, he prefers to keep the long end next to him and get in close to his enemies. Most of his maneuvers involve rapid jabs and punches in close to his enemies. If longer range is necessary he can give more powerful attacks with the longer thrusts and swings. His strongest strike is a swing while he rotates the tonfa around for a devastating strike. He isn't keen on violence, and always starts off defensively, but as more force is necessary he evolves to what is needed. Searching For: Soul Calibur. Eron doesn't believe grand wishes are necessary for good things to be done and the potential for evil with it is too great. He believes true power to changes things should involve hard work from the people. Personality: Eron is rather peaceful and believes in the power of people. He believes that people have more power than they believe and practices it in his own life. He seeks to push himself to the limits and finds that the limits seem to continually grow. He believes in great control over his body and mind and has trained himself to follow that mantra. He is not very argumentative and more likely to shrug off a disagreement as the other being stupid. He has yet to find a cure for stupidity though and if he were ever to use the Soul Edge it would be for that. He is not a fool and realizes there are things he does not know and evaluates the information shared with him. Background: Gibraltar was known for being a watchpoint between the Mediteranean and the Atlantic. One of the watchmen had spent a lot of time in this place with not much action and was very reflective of life. Eron became fascinated with this man and began to spend time with him and learn from him. He put his teachings into practice and created his own weapons with which to train. He is devoted to fulfilling the man's teachings and ridding the world of the Soul Edge, so that humanity will work on using it's own power to fix their problems. He does have a reason to use the Soul Edge as well and that would be to spread the wisdom the old man shared with him. He feels that could fix the world as well even though the old man disagrees. [/hider]