[quote=@xiaomiau] [hider=intense warning] generic filler post alert [/hider] Her padded coat pulled tightly over her chest, Amethyst hunched over the crackling remains of a fire. The flames had receded to coals, leaving her with dwindling warmth, growing greyness, and a persistent sniffle as her nose fell to the chill of a brisk wind. She grumbled as she was forced to stand and survey the camp. There was wood - sure - but not kindling and not any dry enough to immediately stoke the fire back into flames. She would be forced to [i]move[/i] to get warm - or force someone else to revive the fire. Or find another fire. None of these options sounded remotely palatable, so she decided on the most practical choice of action in shoving her hands firmly into her threadbare pockets and pouting. [/quote] Destin heads out of his tent, which was situated near the fire Amethyst was at. He felt the coldness as the fire died and decided to investigate. He looks around and notices Amethyst pouting. He walks over, a bit amused. "Hey...did the fire go out?" He asks, not really caring if it was an obvious question. He shivers as a wind passes over the camp, and he draws his blanket tighter around his shoulders. He looks at the fire and sighs heavily. "We really need to keep this fire, if any going. If this one goes out in the middle of the night, my patients will get sick." He comments, half to himself.