[quote=@Fionraella] Destin nods seriously. "It's a very nice fire." He agrees, then chuckles at her comment. "Yeah. But I can come with. I need a few herbs and some oak leaves for...medicine stuff." He says vaguely. "Let me go grab my bag and then we can go." He turns and hurries into his tent without waiting for a reply from her. He knew if he gave her time to reply, she might not go. He returns a few moments later wearing a thick jacket and carrying his pouch and knife. "Ready?" [/quote] [i'm going with the name misha okkkkkk] Misha sighed and mentally braced herself for the trek through the woods. "Sure." She peered into the still shadows of the woods, cold but quivering in the slow and steady descent into winter. It was a push to get herself moving. With a stilted motion of her hand, she dragged the zipper on her jacket up to her neck. ""Alrighty, then. Let's get this done," she mumbled as she headed out of camp, grabbing the handle of a stray axe as she crossed the clearing. [i]That's super unsafe,[/i] she thought. [i]What if an axe murderer came in here? What if someone tripped and accidentally got eaten by a bear?[/i] She contented herself with these thoughts as she headed into the woods.