[center][h1]The [color=lightgreen]Smith[/color] [color=cyan]Sisters[/color][/h1] [img]http://38.media.tumblr.com/f0fcd4da7b5d56dfbfc645ab03491537/tumblr_mxkdi5zkDl1qc4ffvo2_500.gif[/img][img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/2d4f6a04448bc76ac95075fb4a6de8ee/tumblr_mjqwtdRKv71r4td3po1_r1_500.gif[/img] [i]Location: Infirmary, Newnan, Georgia Interacting With: Kris talking to an unconscious older sister & Froggy[@Charnobylisk][/i][/center] [hr][hr] Kristina wiped away a few tears as she looked towards Victor as he went towards her sister taking a small sample of her older sister's blood, and silently watched him testing it then he came over towards her. [color=khaki]“Apologies, mademoiselle, I must take a small prickling of blood from your finger. It will be but a moment, I swear.”[/color] Kristina looked down at her sister for a moment, if it was to help out Maria she was willing to do it. [color=cyan]"Yeah sure.."[/color] Kristina said softly as she extended her right hand towards the French doctor, she winced slightly as he pricked her finger, she then wiped her finger across her shirt looking back at Maria. Kristina heard Froggy mutter something to himself she could tell from the tone of his voice that something was wrong. [color=cyan]"So am I able to give her some of my blood to help her or something?"[/color] Kristina asked she remembered way before shit hit the fan back in health class that there were different kinds of blood types, but sadly she didn't even pay much attention in that class. She went back to watching Froggy as he headed over towards the blood fridge and pulled out a few bags of plasma. Kristina slowly ran a hand through her sister's hair, she wished that she could do something more she felt helpless and scared she wanted to do more for her but she didn't even know what to even do to help her older sister. Kristina went back to laying her head on Maria's chest silently looking around the room, as Froggy talked to Sidd for a moment and then went over to watching their prisoner. Kristina then heard a knock on the door and she heard Ashton's voice on the other side of the door informing that the inner walls were now secured, she wasn't sure what was going to happen next. [center][h1][color=6ecff6]Sophia Harris[/color][/h1] [img]http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lzpoi6s1fr1r7i94k.gif[/img] [i]location: Westside Baptist Church, Smokey Road Interacting With: [@Caits] Niesha Burkstien[/i][/center] [hr][hr] Sophia was doing one last final check on her things, she looked up to see that Niesha had already decided to get up and head out of the church. Then she suddenly jumped the moment she heard loud groaning and banging coming from the back door of the church that they had called home for the night. [color=6ecff6]"Shit!"[/color] Sophia said as she quickly stuffed the last of the things into her backpack and made a quick run towards the front doors, she quickly snatched up a chair and got outside closing the door and propped the chair firmly against the door. [color=6ecff6]"Well I guess the walkers can confess all their sins in there all they want."[/color] Sophia said to herself as she quickly caught up with Niesha looking towards the other girl for a moment. [color=6ecff6]"I honestly have no clue, maybe head closer to Newnan might be riskier but we might find some better supplies."[/color] Sophia suggested as she looked towards the south as she got a glimpse of what looked like two women on horseback. She wasn't sure who they were, and she wasn't trusting of other strangers except for Niesha, then she could hear loud groaning maybe it was from the church? She wasn't sure but she knew that it was getting closer. [color=6ecff6]"C'mon lets keep moving, we might have some more company other then walkers soon."[/color] Sophia suggested as she started to head further up Smokey Road, so far the two women didn't seem to be a threat just yet otherwise they would have been attacked by now.