OOC: Still shit writting, but i fixed some of the errors. [center][h2][color=turquoise]Atlas[/color][/h2][/center] [@morose] [@lmpkio] As he followed the doctor, making almost no trace of sound, he played with his Gift. It had been quite a while since he felt it, the bliss it brought him was worthy of Class A regulation. His bare feet never hit the floor as he walked, with every step he took he felt his power coming back to him, slowly. When they got to the jet Atlas wasn’t that surprised. What did surprise him were some of the inmates, he wondered who had chosen this lot. Looking them all over there were a few he recognized and knew by name, others he didn’t know anything at all about. Vivian walked after Dempsey and Atlas followed hands in his pocket. He would have killed someone for a smoke right about now. Its funny, despite having the ability to fly at a phenomenal rate, Atlas hated airplanes. Maybe it was because he wasn’t the one in control, or maybe it was the claustrophobic factor. Either way he took his seat as a boy he hadn’t met asked Vivian what her power was. Atlas smirked at that, because according to her response the boy should have know already. He glanced around. Some of the people here were young. Much too young to be thrown into a war like this, too young to even know what they were fighting for. Atlas made a note to look out for them when he could. [color=turquoise] “ Aye, Doc.” [/color] He said levitating in his seat to have some clearance, but his voice came out a bit rough. [color=turquoise]“I know this tin can has some rum in it.”[/color] He got no response. [i] Not even a shot? Bastards.[/i] He thought to himself falling back in the seat for the rest of the ride. [hr] Atlas had never seen a mansion like this up close and when they all loaded off he didn’t even bother to follow anyones lead he took to the sky around the place. It was huge, and he spent a good amount of time exploring it, making sure he knew where most things were. From above he saw some people meeting up in the main room and found an open window a few stories up, a servant or someone must have a hard time getting it open so high up. Then again, he thought, this was a mansion, maybe the guy just pressed a button. He sat there for a moment as people strolled in, just below him he saw Vivian glancing around looking like she hated being there. At least he wasn’t the only one not embracing this whole heartedly, everyone else didn’t seem to look into it too much. [color=silver]”Abandon all hope ye who enter here…”[/color] he heard Vivian mutter below him and dropped next to her without a sound. He stood there for a moment not knowing how to approach the situation. He’d seen Viv around the prison, but he’d never struck up many conversations with any of the other inmates, all Atlas knew was, she wasn’t like the others. Some of these people hadn’t hurt a fly in there life. Atlas could see it in their eyes, that gleam of innocence. Others had done things to get them where they were today. Fate didn’t step in and ruin their trip, the trip was already shitty when we packed for it. He glanced at her with a smile, trying not to look intimidating. Trying. [color=turquoise] ”I believe its a quote. When one is to enter hell, that is inscribed over the entry way.” [/color]He said to the soldier sitting on the other side of Vivian. [color=turquoise]"I didn't know you were a fan of Dante" [/color] He said, half thinking that probably wasn’t the case, the phrase was rather popular. Atlas didn’t care though, he was just making conversation and in order to do that he had to rely on his intellect. If he didn’t he was likely to creep everyone out, and his other side was rather… beastly to be mild. He looked around again, what was he doing with all these people? He wasn’t a hero, if anything a year ago he was a villain. He’d killed so many he couldn’t even count, most in random combat zone, he’d had a lot of fun with the military until they had caught on. He glanced at Soldier X on the other side of Viv. [i] I wonder if I would have killed you?[/I]