[hider=Slate Heronthrush] [b]Name:[/b] Slate Heronthrush [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Description:[/b] Slate is around 5’11 with long black hair coming down to about his collarbone. The top oh his head is dyed white and pulled back while the darker hair hangs on the sides. He's known to change his hair color and style quite frequently. There are two parallel scars running diagonally across Slate’s heart shaped face. He keeps up with the regular work out of the Clan so he has a lean frame. He dresses in normal enough clothing, preferring a sweater to a hoodie, and hates suiting up in his Shadowhunter garb. [b]History:[/b] Slate Heronthrush was born in the LA institution to a single Shadowhunter woman. When he was five his mother left on an important mission and never returned, leaving him stranded and hopeless. He did have hope though. Hope the world would be a better place. Hope that he would one day be the best Shadowhunter to live. Ahhh hope, sometimes she loved toying with delicate people such as Slate. Yet Slate was never hindered or brought down by that dabbling mistress, no the fact that hope had given up on him only made him want to fight harder. And so he did. Slate trained endlessly day in and day out honing his skills. What he lacked in his rune drawing skill he more than made up for in his hand to hand combat. As he grew old they eventually sent him on missions, and to this day he still loses his grip on reality often in combat. He sees demons and monsters that slayed his own mother, sending him into a bloodlust. And so he kills them, holding no endearment for their lives. For some people life wasn't at all like this and Slate was okay with that, he held no grudges against God. He was a Shadowhunter [b]Personality:[/b] Slate is as down to earth as they come, never holding his superior fighting style above anyone. He spends most of his day training or in his room with a book in hand. Most days he could be found out behind the Institute smoking, though the rules were fuzzy on this they explicitly stated no smoking [i] in[/i] the Institute, not around it. Slate was a hard person to get along with when it comes to social skills. To say the least he has nearly none. Likely to approach with a nod rather than a ‘Hello’ he rarely opens up. Most people stear clear of him when it comes to trying to make friends but he’s never opposed to it, people just never ask. [b]Likes:[/b]Purple, fighting, kicking ass…*You have to put shit you actually like… dumb ass…* oh then...Classical Music, and Anime, oh did I say kickin… “Move on.” [b]Dislikes:[/b] Demons, Sushi, People that belittle others for their own good. [b]Weapon of Choice:[/b] Staff with a blade on both or one end. Sometimes there is no blade. [b]Relationship Status; With who:[/b] (OPEN) [b]Picture:[/b] I don't exactly have one of these so yeah…. If i have to find one somewhere i guess i will. [b]Other:[/b] Smokes, loves to read. Drives a motorcycle, lives at the Institute but not in it. He has a room in the Gravediggers shed, when he asked the head of the Institute to let him have this room the only condition was that he would bury any bodies. Not a bad trade. [/hider]