That shot did it. After it, all I could perceive was complete and total darkness, as if I was flung into a void. For a brief moment, I worried about what the thief might steal, and how my family might react... but then I realized that this was either a coma... or I was dead. Either way, whatever that thief was doing wouldn't really effect me for... well, let's just say, quite some time. It seemed like this dark nothingness was going to go on forever, and, to be honest, it seemed more like I was dead, but... I wouldn't be able to think if I was dead, right? And... then a light... it started off small, but it seemed to approach me, it seemed to get larger and larger as it did so, and, soon enough, it filled my vision... and then I was thrown back into darkness. I thought that, perhaps someone tried to save me from death, and failed, hence the light... but then I heard three words, though, they sounded as if they were in my head, just, not my own voice as my thoughts usually were "You're kidding, right?" who was kidding? Was I kidding? Was this whole thing kidding? I started to feel... limbs? I could move, again, somehow? Another trio of words assaulted my mind, as I tried to get up, and make sense of all of this "What the hell!?" was that where I, and this mysterious psychic were? If so, then I suppose I SHOULD have believed in some sort of religion, huh? I seemed to be surrounded in walls, and as I finally got the hang of moving around, I tried to ram into one of the walls at full speed... which wasn't that much. It took a few tries, but I managed to break it. Finally, light again. I could see again, after a short adjustment, and once my eyes adjusted to the new light level, I heard another thought from whomever had these psychic abilities "This... This isn't a joke... Is it?" a joke? Was the psychic man in danger? If so, then I suppose that made two of us, as I seemed to be dying (again) of thirst. Thankfully, as luck would have it, there seemed to be a clear water source up ahead... as well as an odd-looking snake. I ran up there, and tried my best to avoid the snake... only to stop dead in my tracks as soon as I saw my own reflection. "Wh...what!? Okay... okay... this HAS to be a coma, and some sort of weird... coma dream. Yeah, there's no other explanation," I tried to calm myself down, as the creature that was reflected on the water's surface was... well, it was about as far as you could get from being human, save for being a snake, or some sort of spider. Though I knew it probably wouldn't actually do anything, I still felt compelled to drink from the water source, and it tasted pretty good, though, this could have just been from my thirst, rather than any sort of indicator of quality. [i]I wonder where that psychic guy is... and, if he's in trouble, will he even accept help from... a kobold? A minor monster creature straight from D&D?[/i] I thought as I tried to keep my distance from the blue snake, who seemed to just be sort of... er... standing? Sitting? Perhaps it was just staying there, given the fact that it can neither really sit, nor stand, given its lack of limbs... made me kinda feel lucky I still had them, and, hey, thinking about it, I still had hands, so that was a plus.