[center][h2][color=gold]Gleampier[/color][/h2][/center] [@Xan the G] [color=fff200]“Come on Broseidon! One more Water Gun and that Houndour’s crushed!”[/color] Each of you could hear the pitter patter of a curious Poliwag, attempting to use its other senses to locate the weakened Houndour. Water sloshed to and fro within the mist, an echo difficult to locate. The Poliwag stopped moving. Or, the sound of its footsteps quit making noise. There was a deep pause as the cloud took in a heavy breath. Rook was the first to strike, sending Embers into the unknown mist and strafing directly after, just as instructed. With each conjuration off flame, smog was added into the mix of steam. The thick, white cloud became one more akin to a storm. Grey, furling edges turned into each other as the battle raged from within. Just following the leap of Rook, a powerful stream of water surged toward the Pokémon, but would always miss. It appeared Poliwag was aiming for the position the Houndour was previously in, but was unable to detect that he was moving in a strafing pattern. This cycle continued, the fireballs going into the thickening cloud and given little response. All that could be heard was the frustrated cries of Poliwag, and all that could be hoped was that the Embers were making contact. [color=004b80]“Poliwag! Poliwag! Poliwag!”[/color] Gushes of water continued to follow the roars of the tadpole Pokémon. After some time of this, Rook was caught off-guard by a particular torrent nearly broadsiding him. Was it luck, or was the Poliwag catching onto your movements? A cry from Chuck broke your wandering thoughts. [color=fff200]“That’s it Broseidon! Just keep them coming at random! We’ll hit him eventually!”[/color] [@BlueSky44] The brown-haired sailor continued to point and taunt as he flexed his excellent muscles. The shine in his eye and smirk in his grin hinted that he believed the match was already over. He flicked his bangs to the side with the swipe of a hand. He stood tall, chest puffed out, hands upon his hips. Buck stood at an angle relative to you, as if he were posing for an art studio. The Machop did the same, the two imitating each other in their flaunting. [color=brown]“Alright Brohammed Ali, you know how this goes. Show Poochyena just how much we lift!”[/color] A droplet of water fell from the flick of his sleeved wrist. As it collided with the wet floor and created a fractal system of rings, the flare shot off in Machop’s head. It charged slowly, gaining its footing. Then faster, at pace, a jog into a sprint. It could be equated to the sight of a small steam train revving its engines and hollering to sky above railroad. A mighty trunk of a leg came swinging downward in the position that Poochyena was in. And it was met with air. Thanks to Poochyena’s jump, the Machop’s Low Kick was incapable of meeting it. Now the Machop’s back was to Poochyena, and the Pokémon was wide open to attack. How quick would the beefy Machop be able to counter, though? [@Eklispe] And so Budew continued to grow in size, increasing his offensive stats significantly over the course of the move. Perhaps it was overkill on the splashing Magikarp, but it was wise not to underestimate one’s opponent. And the effects of Growth would persist through the battle, so perhaps it would come in handy if Budew was to battle the other Pokémon. You weren’t sure if the water had any effect on its growth, but it surely wasn’t halting the increasing size of the Pokémon. Puck scratched the scruff of his curly, red beard. His eyes squinted, appearing deep in thought. He watched the battle intently. Was he waiting for something to happen, or an idea to pop into his head? He waited nonetheless, watching Budew grow in size. His movements unvaried save for the occasional eyebrow raise. Finally, during Budew’s second stage of growth, the sailor issued a command. [color=f26522]“Brometheus. Start circling the Budew!”[/color] Heeding to its master’s command, the scaled death machine began swerving as a top on its side. Using the accumulated water to reduce friction, it began to circle the growing Budew as a shark to prey. The Magikarp itself became a circular blend of gold and red, incomprehensible in its parts. The living top came closer and closer to Budew as if it were rolling down a slight, suspenseful slope. [color=f26522]“Bro, this speed’s unmatched!”[/color] From the corner of your eye, you noted a torrent of water approaching Budew’s location. It must’ve come from the cloud of steam surrounding Havoc’s battle. The Magikarp seemed to cover every direction on the ground where the Budew could run. Was Budew quick enough to dodge the scales of wrath, or was his trainer quick enough to think of a different solution?