[h1][center][color=brown]Vuduin Alimore[/color][/center][/h1] That bro was right. Vuduin spent a moment chewing on his lip as he pondered the situation. The Magikarp was fast, far too fast for him to trust Budew's ability to hit it. It was because of the water everywhere. Hmm. The water! It had gotten here because of that Poliwag, but without the water the Magikarp would be a sitting duck right? Plus wouldn't getting rid of the water help out Houndour as well? [b]"Budew! I want you to use Absorb on the stream of water, then use it on all the water around Magikarp!"[/b] A perfect solution! Assuming of course Budew could absorb that much water. But if he could it would solve everything. Even if it didn't work, what he did absorb would probably still heal Budew and give Vuduin enough time to think of another strategy. After all, heroes always came up with clever solution to problems and persevered. This was so much fun! [hr] [center] [u]Location[/u] Gleampie [color=brown]~Current Team~[/color] [hider=Budew][img]http://cdn.bulbagarden.net/upload/0/01/Spr_5b_406.png[/img] POKEMON: BUDEW Type:[color=green]GREEN[/color]/[color=purple]POISON[/color] NATURE: SASSY FAVORITE FLAVOR: BITTER DISLIKED FLAVOR: SWEET ABILITY: POISON POINT (CONTACT MOVES FROM OPPONENTS HAVE A CHANCE TO POISON) [u]MOVES[/u] Absorb Growth STATUS: IN BATTLE [/hider] [u]Bag[/u] Palm Pokédex Potion x1 Palm Ball x1 500 P (Pokédollars) [/center]