[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/WIA4zqR.gif[/img][/center] [color=ec008c][h2][center]New York City, Belzimet's Chamber[/center][/h2][/color] [color=ec008c][h3][center]Demonic Whispers[/center][/h3][/color] [center][url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JFRCdfIGVvg]"Your ashes will paint the soles of my feet, boy!"- [i]Belzimet[/i][/url] [/center] The heavy odor of sulfur would proceed to easily overpower the otherwise damp and dust induced air. Brightly illuminating the darkness, this foe of otherworldly proportions burned with the very touch of hell itself, the embers growing ever larger as it regained a strength previously dormant beneath an ancient verdict. "Your fear is growing." The beast spoke, its voice hinting at a masculine biology given is androgynous appearance. "Nothing soothes the heart like the intoxicating scent of humans pissing themselves in fear, their pathetic frames coated in a layer of sweat elevated by the presence of my hell fire!" In reaction to the word of inferno's flames, the demon stomped his large foot onto the ground, causing large cracks to thunder closer to Milo as the boy stood clenching his teeth as to not keel over. Masamune's resolution surely helped the feat, though this demon's imposing threats grew all the more vicious as his flames licked his stone like frame like a caressing embrace. "Belzimet! Know that name, boy, for it shall be your soul's lord and master!" [color=00aeef]"Belzimet."[/color] Masamune repeated, his echoing voice soothing in comparison to the foe sizing the boy down, dwarfing him in the presence of hell's very own. [color=00aeef]"He's a demon of war. Used to be a commander before he fell from his position and got sealed in here."[/color] Raising his massive fist, Belzimet rammed the clenched appendage towards Milo who quickly dodged out of the way, throwing his weightless frame to the side before gracefully rolling back to his feet. Even with the power of regeneration, meeting Belzimet's attacks head on would surely end this battle. Seeing how his massive strike not only left a crumbling crater in the floor but also dancing embers licking the area of impact, one could draw the conclusion that Belzimet's prison would soon come to perish under his berserker rage. [color=ec008c]"Any weak spots...?"[/color] Milo turned to the blade's wisdom as Masamune had proven his knowledge in otherworldly entities. The demon's stone like hide appeared incredibly durable and no normal blade would have the ability to pierce its thickness. However, Masamune was no normal blade, and such was proven as Belzimet attempted another attack. Though the initial force of impact missed his small target, Belzimet's flames ran viciously across Milo's chest and cindered his t-shirt to the point of ashes, leaving a devastating burn along his flesh. Though the wound neigh instantly healed, the demonic flames hurt unlike anything Milo had ever endured. This painful maneuver would however proceed to leave Belzimet open for a peerless strike as Masamune's magical edge met with the monster's demonic flesh and tore the tissue apart as the blade left a bleeding wound upon the demon's side. Rather than blood, a flaming liquid reminiscent of lava leaked from the vicious wound, forcing an anguished scream from the demon as he was unused to the searing touch of pain. "How?!" The only word leaving the beast's lips as he flailed his arms around in savage anger was one of confusion. This time however, Milo was prepared for the infernal continuation of Belzimet's attacks, the whipping fire circling the monster like a serpent. With a dexterous back flip, Milo managed to dodge the entirety of Belzimet's strikes but found himself desperately clinging to breath. The fire was consuming the very air around them, replacing it with smoke and cinder. The hellish wound placed on Milo's now naked chest was one of devastating proportions and stole an incredible amount of energy as it reformed to a healthy state, leaving the boy fatigued and questioning if New York was the right decision. [color=00aeef]"Pull yourself together, Milo! We can do this!"[/color] Despite the incredible foe destroying their surroundings, Masamune had proven his mythic power by surpassing the demon's otherwise impenetrable hide. Tightly wrapping his fingers around the blade's black hilt, Milo charged forth and counted on the demon's temporarily confused state to dance between his frenzied attacks, avoiding the infernal fire as the boy continued to plunge Masamune into the demon's stomach and tore open his abdomen, sliding the blade out from Belzimet's side. Another scream echoed throughout the hellish darkness, accompanied by Milo's gasp of pain as Belzimet's boiling blood splashed onto him and forced the boy to back away from the demon's frame. Completely taken over by a raging frenzy, Belzimet slammed his massive form against walls and ground alike, leaping into the darkened air before viciously landing upon the prison's stone foundation. The astounding impact caused the already damaged ground to cave in on itself, shattering and cracking as the massive stone bent beneath Belzimet's weight. The impact did not linger before sending both Milo and Belzimet to the depths below. This was however an opened door, allowing for a counter attack. Jumping from one boulder to the next, Milo caught the moment with an iron fist and placed his foot on the demon's chest before launching himself towards the beast's skull, sinking Masamune into the demon's cranium. All the while, however, Belzimet had managed to grab hold of Milo's frame and nearly crushed the boy's slender body beneath his burning strength, had Masamune's devastating blade not ended this fight seconds before they all connected with the water below. Doused from both fire and life, Belzimet crumbled like an ancient statue as his essence was snuffed out, not exorcised but destroyed. Unsummoning Masamune, Milo reached for the stony edge and pulled himself out of the cold, revolting water he had found himself in and quickly fell to his back upon solid ground, his chest rising and lowering rapidly in response to his heavy breathing. [color=ec008c]"Disgusting..."[/color] [color=00aeef]"Hey, you needed a bath after that."[/color] Masamune responded with a chuckle now that the threat had ceased. [color=ec008c]"Not in sewer water...!"[/color] Indeed, the sewers. Milo had survived his meeting with a demon, albeit by the skin of his teeth, and slew the beast with the mighty Masamune in hand, only to land in a river of filth, shirtless and breathless. No one said this job was going to be glamorous, after all.