[hider=Lai'naira Roha] Name: Lai'naira Roha Alias: Laira age:20 Race: Kelpie born from a full blooded kelpie and a seasonborn. Court: fall Position/Occupation: fairly new to the whole 'fae'thing. has yet to gain any position. Personality: a free girl who loves to wander. She is curious, adventerous and headstrong. all those things in combination with a fearlesness for the unkown and a need to know makes it so thats she gets into trouble a lot. tends to be a bit to trusty of those around her but learned the hard way not to give your full name to a Fae. She loves to spend her time in the water, often staying under it for far longer than any normal human. Appearance: Laira has rust red hair and a pair of green eye's that hide hints of blue within them. She has a weird birthmark on her lowerback resembling an upsidedown U. Her Fae form is a white mare with long manes who seem to wave like the water. [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/4367/f/2009/274/d/e/lydia_by_lurazeda.png[/img] Fae form [img]http://images.fineartamerica.com/images/artworkimages/mediumlarge/1/the-kelpie-pond-jaimie-whitbread.jpg[/img] Family: Mother: Elenore (death) father: unkown Ambition: to get her name back from the pure blooded Kelpie that took it from her. Background: Laira was raised by her mother until she was 5. Her mother became a season born after she met Laira's father. Laira's father left them however the moment she was brought into the world. Her mother tried to get to her father, this without the knowledge of laira. One day her mother tried tho use a kelpie spell, unbekownst of the danger her mother got dragged into the sea to never been seen again. The whole village believes she commited suicide, and even Laira who has no knowledge of her true anture believes this to be true. After her mothers death she was raised by the village orphanage were she made friends with a stange black haired blue eyed boy who lived outside the village(or so he told everyone) After a while to boy dissapeared leaving only his name Clyde. It was clear to Laira and the rest of the village that she wasn't normal. strange things happend around her and she was found walking into the sea multible times. This resulted in her being excluded from the rest of the village. On her 18th birthday Clyde returned to her and told her that he was a Kelpie. They decided to live togther and soon Laira fell in love with Clyde. She foolishly told him her real name, resulting in him having the power to control her. Clyde told her that if she could find him in the Fae world she could have her name back, and she would be free once again. With no idea how to enter the Fae world she has already tried mulible things from books and collected clues from around her hometown. Extra: she has no knowledge of herself being a kelpie. she does have a strange atraction towards water, and hates to be near iron but thats all there is to her. [/hider]