[center][b][color=red][h3][I]Ben Solo[/I][/h3]18 | Padawan | Dagobah[/color][/b][/center] [indent] He was tempted to suggest they turn back and ask Luke for help. But instead he bit his lip in thought for a moment and stood up, feeling a certain responsibility brew on the inside. To be frank it was his first [i]true[/i] challenge as a Jedi and he didn’t want to fail his master or give in to the dark, twisted visions. [color=red][b] “Let’s… split up, Odd.”[/b][/color] The words felt so very wrong coming out of his mouth. Everything in him… well everything that made up the current him, protested against this. The taste of iron made itself known in his mouth, a bead of red forming on his lip. His jedi intuition told him that it was the best way to secure the piece. Two jedi together was unbeatable but they couldn’t cover the same ground as say, a squadron of armed men. If they wanted to find the piece first... yea, that’s what his mind was saying to justify this insane ludicrous idea. It was logical but it was a logic he didn’t particularly condone. Before he knew it, he was hugging Odette in an all-consuming embrace. [color=red][b] “You better stay safe, don’t let even a single line of hair get cut. Promise me!”[/b][/color] he pleaded desperately, firmly, powerfully; as if attempting to will this into absolution. Once they were comfortable with leaving one another, Ben hurried off down a moss, vine covered path in the temple. It wasn’t until later that he had remember to consult the Force on the piece’s location. He concentrated on the eddies of the universe and let it carry his mind. It pulled him in ways that seemed like a patchwork of code that needed deciphering. He had a good guess of where it was but not exactly where it rested. At most he could say that it was far below him. The Force told him that a group of three had traveled below, the rest of the soldiers had remained a top. Ben slipped his lightsaber hilt to his hand and ignited the blade, its blue sizzle torched the ground in a circle below him. When the earth fell apart and he heard muffled alerts below, he looked down to see the three soldiers descending down stairs; staring appropriately up at him. Blaster rifles at the ready. [color=red][b] “Oops,”[/b][/color] he murmured before leaping down to them, the Force cushioning his fall and making his unbelievable descent unnatural. [color=red][b] "I'm warning you now, I'm not as kind as most Jedi. Get in my way and I'll cut you down."[/b][/color] [/indent]