[center][h2] [color=1a7b30]Arren Malla[/color] [/h2][/center] [i]Wow, that actually worked[/i]. The Machop was turned around, this was the perfect time to strike. If Poochyena hit, then he wouldn't be laughing so much at her poor little Pokémon. [i]Alright, what do I do now? Machop is turned around and Poochyena is in a good position. Well, Poochyena only knows two different moves, and I already used Howl to raise its attack. That only leaves one thing to do[/i]. "Poochyena, run up behind it and use Tackle!" she shouted to the Pokémon. [i]If this works, that would be great. If Machop dodges, Poochyena would be vulnerable to an attack. I have to take that chance, there isn't anything else I can do.[/i] She saw out of the corner of her eye the Poliwag causing some problems for the Houndour. On her other side, Vuduin's Budew was growing, and just kept on growing. It was a little weird that such a small Pokémon could grow that big, but it probably wasn't going to be the weirdest thing she'll see. Especially considering the fact that their is a Magikarp on the floor circling the Budew that is still growing. [s] [/s] Location: Gleampier [color=1a7b30]Team[/color] [img]http://orig11.deviantart.net/436b/f/2010/050/0/0/animated_poochyena_by_skullke.gif[/img] LEVEL: 5 ABILITY: QUICK FEET MOVES: TACKLE, HOWL Bag: Palm Pokédex Potion x1 Palm Ball x1 500 P (Pokédollars)