[color=#FF0000]The funny thing about Harley's plan was that she knew she really only had half of one actually thought out. While she had zero doubt that she'd be able to make a distraction for Nightwing to play his part, the conditions of what would happen to her in the process were a bit up the air. Doing what she did was risky, but not without anything immediate anyway. Or so she thought. If anyone knew Joker well it was Harley Quinn and Harley knew that her good ole 'Puddin' wouldn't be the sort to just shun a blind eye to her. [i]He betta nota anyway! He was deserving of a hell of a lot more then just a good rant for her![/i] Harleys agitation began to cause her to steam the more she thought about how her poor choices had wind her up here, now, doing this and how that made her end up. [i]It couldn't be that bad.. Right? This is insane, you should have trusted him- But I DID![/i] Harley's brief mental dispute with her past and present self served to hinder her focus from the task at hand. While the clown bruisers on the other side of the door kept hammering away and breaching the only defence between her and them. Of course it didn't help that she had to get all trigger happy and waste the whole magazine on the door, much earlier then she wanted too. [i]Whateva! It wasn't like Bird-brain was gonna let her keep the gun anyway![/i] The sound of an expired magazine of ammo clicked out a loud to indicate her vulnerability, all while bringing down that really piped thrill of adrenaline that seemed to also expire alongside the count of her ammunition. [color=#A9A9A9][i][b]“What's gonna stop me from snapping you in half now?!”[/b][/i][/color] A rowdy very unfriendly voice called out to her in some shallow attempt to try and rattle her confidence. Harley only found herself grinning at the comment as the door came crashing down a second later. [color=white][i][b]“THIS! Bottom's up dumbass!”[/b][/i][/color] She warned him before she threw the empty gun at his big ole nose, but of course he didn't take the hint. A good throw and anything but yielding reaction caused Harley to hit the mouthy clown straight in the face. Lucky for her, he was one of the only ones of the group that didn't have his face concealed by a grinning clowny mask. [color=white][i][b]“Look atcha, all barging in here.. Dun ya have any MANNERS!? I locked the door for a reason! GET OUTTA MY BOOTH!”[/b][/i][/color] Harley's final sarcastic comment sung out to a rather inevitable end that she knew would wind her up in the grip of Joker's thugs. One came closer grabbing for her, the rest pointing their guns up in her face. She of course didn't let that discourage her as the grapple of the man reaching for her only made her shift to the side in a quick evasive maneuver. Pinned up against the back wall in the tiny box of a booth, Harley's glare arched in testy inimical response before she'd prop both of her hands up on a small bar protruding from the wall behind her. Swinging her feet up in a quick motion she slammed her boots into the joker thugs face that had made the mistake of trying to rampage in and grapple her. [color=white][i][b]“Na-UH! Keep ya hands to ya self idiot! I don't need your stupid fondlin me!”[/b][/i][/color] A light snicker formulated to conclude her response before the presence of the Joker thugs entrapped her where she stood.. [hr] In some ways Harley felt obligated to struggle, squirm and defy every attempt that lead to the Joker thugs taking her from the room and tying her to an oddly placed pool in the center, by the old screen in the first theater. Finding herself in a perilous situation was inevitable by this point, but it wasn't like the terms of her distress should last for too long, so long as Nightwing was doing his part. Being brought to the centre of the room to have her hands bound behind her back and bound to the pole behind her only made her cringe at the consideration of Nightwing being unpunctual and unfashionably later. [i]She had seen him do all this before.. so he better not be screwing around..! Now wasn't the time to screw up..![/i] Somehow she doubted he would, even if finding herself bound to a pole and surrounded by very unfriendly assets of Joker's gang sort of had her contemplating her trust in the former boy wonder. The tension around her wrists intensified as her captor tied the final knot. [color=white][i][b]“Bet it sucks to kno that none of ya's can do anythin since Joka dun even know im alive yet HUH?! You wouldn't lie to that old CLOWN, ya kno what'll happen if he finds out ya let me slip the gun right? Actually did the wrong thing? You's all remember what that entails..!”[/b][/i][/color] Even in meager peril Harley got a kick out of playing mind games with the handful of the heavily armed dimwits in front of her. While they certainly had the brawn for the operation down, Harley never doubt for a second that brains would always be in her favour, especially with these particular guys. [color=#A9A9A9][i][b]“Shut up Harley! Once we contact Joker your going to be sorry you ever got the idea of showing back up here alive.”[/b][/i][/color] Her captor finished with the ropes moving away with the threat and turning to stare at her. Harley wasn't shaken nor discouraged by the rather gruff ill-will of the armed Joker thug in front of her, in fact, she were actually getting a pretty good kick out of all of this so far. Just knowing what was about to happen next felt utterly climactic. [color=white][i][b]“Hmm.. NAW.. I dun think I will, ya wanna kno why BOZA? Cuz I kno somethin ya don't know and the longer ya stand here and try to antagonize me the more I realize how fun it is gonna be knock ya TEETH OUT!”[/b][/i][/color] Excitement filled her expression as her gaze locked on to the angry face belonging to the unfortunate idiot who had the luxury of eating the gun she threw earlier, leaving a rather funny looking red mark across the full size of the bigger thug's almost perfectly egg shaped head. [color=white][i][b]“That look does ya justice for ya pea brain. Though not nearly enough justice.. guess you're gonna have to wait and see what else ima do to ya..!”[/b][/i][/color] She teased those crimson lips of hers turned into a wild devious sneer.[/color]