[Center][h2][color=#A7F2F0][U][B]Yōki, Kōunora[/B][/U][/color][/h2] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch/?v=EstSOTllFaE]Theme I[/url] /|\[url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9-U2JdiHBsc]Theme II[/url] /|\ [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f0LdIZ8TWYo]Theme III[/url][/center][hr] Following her friend's lead the two arrived at the barracks of the Kido Corps and, rather swiftly, were greeted by a sleeping Captain. Chuckling lightly, Kōunora smiled up at the man as he drifted down on his platform, a younger shinigami attempting to wake him. She watched with amusement as they came to eye level and Shoske finally opened his eyes, waking to greet them. [color=#A7F2F0][b]"We didn't wait long at all,"[/b][/color] she replied with a friendly smile as the man spoke. Waiting patiently as he conversed with their guide, Haru. After several moments of conversation, the Captain opened their path and Haru readied their vessel. Waving to Saito as she stepped into the box alongside Yuka and Lieutenant Osaka. Standing at the ready as they traveled, one hand out and touching the wall of the construct, Kōunora closed her eyes, breathing quiet and even. The patterns of reiryoku and reishi in the box surrounding them were quite well made, she had to admit. It seemed that Saito had continued to strengthen the skills of those under his supervision. She approved. [color=#A7F2F0][b]"Haru, what do you call this?"[/b][/color] She queried after several minutes, seemingly unaware, or at least unbothered, by the shaking and jostling of the box they all stood in.