Totally not jumping on the band-wagon due to being a past Re:Monster fan. [u][b]Name:[/b][/u] Khari [u][b]Race:[/b][/u] Harpy [u][b]Race Abilities:[/b][/u] Harpies are known to be somewhat of a bother for regular folk due to having the cunning of a humanoid monster and the flight ability of bird monsters. As such, valuables (specially shiny things) tend to be stolen along with anything else harpies set their eyes on. They can also be rather loud which might make people understandably agitated. Due to their physiology, harpies in general are pretty fragile due to their bones having to be hollow to allow for flight capabilities. They are however pretty fast, have rather good eyesight plus lung capacity, and have surprisingly strong arm and leg muscles for their weight class (you really don't want to have a harpy swoop at you talons first). Some inventive ones can even figure out to use their feet as pseudo-hands since their upper arms have wings and thus can't properly manipulate things with such digits. [u][b]Gender:[/b][/u] Female [u][b]Personality:[/b][/u] Inquisitive and cheerful, Khari isn't one to be let down by things such as no internet or modern-day plumbing (even if she cries every now and then not having them). A somewhat lucky-go-happy girl, the harpy is one that finds the silver lining in just about any situation. She's also particularly prone to experimenting with whatever she finds interesting at the time due to her rather creative imaginination, often leading to mixed mixed results. [u][b]History (Pre-Mortem):[/b][/u]In her previous life, Khari was a young female college student enrolled in an architectural design course that also worked from home via the computer. One day the girl went outside to look for bargain buyss and unfortunately suffered from an unexpected heart attack in the middle of a shopping trip in the entertainment district, solely due to incredibly bad luck on her part. Death came far too fast for the paramedics to deal with and the woman breathed her last on Earth... only to realize that she lucked out and was now reincarnated into another world as a completely different race... without thumbs. [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] [url=]"Oooh... shiny..."[/url] [u][b]Other:[/b][/u] Often gets distracted by the shiny.