Unlike Oliver, Sanguine let the maid help her. Being able to relax while someone else washed your hair actually felt pretty great. She just had to remember to not let herself get pampered too much. The last thing the woman wanted was to turn into one of those fantasy story nobels that barely even knew how to dress themselves. If only because she felt that would make her weaker in the long run. Something she didn't want to happen in this world. Once the maid was done, Sanguine told her to get the most casual dress in her wardrobe. Pants weren't an option at the moment, sadly, as her character in the game only ever wore dresses. So she made a quick mental note to get someone to buy her a few pairs of pants to wear for the future. The maid left, leaving the vampiress to just relax in silence for a while. Though after about 20 minutes she decided it was time to get out. As wonderful as the water was, sitting still in silence for too long would only make her fidgety. And the only source of music they had in this world wasn't an option. No way she could relax with several people in there with her. Just as Sanguine started drying herself the maid returned with a dress as ordered. It was a simple dark brown one-piece. Almost like a very long night gown. Of course Sanguine was offered to be helped, but she quickly dismissed the maid, insisting on doing the dressing herself, since it was a simple dress anyway. Seemingly a bit hesitant, the maid left again. Another few minutes later the guild master entered the lounge. Her hair was still a little bit messy. She couldn't work miracles without a hairbrush and hair oil. But for now that didn't matter anyway. "After I'm done with the paperwork and experimenting, I might take you up on that offer to cuddle~" She spoke as she spotted Oliver in the room. "I think after all that I could use a bit of that." In truth Sanguine didn't really look forward to the work she had to do. She didn't dislike it, but there were surely less boring ways to spend your time. Still, it had to be done in her mind, or they might forget important details later on. With any luck there would be someone to act as her scribe in the library though. (Dress: http://i.ebayimg.com/images/g/PCQAAOSwA4dWNtkY/s-l1600.jpg )