[img]http://static.comicvine.com/uploads/original/11124/111246273/5089458-tumblr_inline_novjucftap1tv339n_500.gif[/img] [b]Player Name:[/b] Spuderific Spudinator! [b]Character You Wish To Play:[/b] James Buchanan Barnes [b]Alias:[/b] The Winter Soldier [b]Moral Alignment [/b](Hero, Villain, Walking the Line): Villain [b]Affiliation [/b](what group/team/organization, if any, is your character affiliated with?): Hydra [b]Character Origin & Backstory:[/b] Bucky Barnes, born James Buchanan [s]Banana-Bread[/s] Barnes, was a post-war baby boom child. Barnes lost his parents at a young age, much like his childhood friend Steve Rodgers. In his youth, Barnes aspired to be a war hero, like all those brave soldiers who'd fought in the first world war who looked so spiffy on the recruitment posters. As things began to go south with Hitlers rise to power, trouble in Russia and Europe in general, Barne's enlisted and completed his basic training. During WW2 Barnes found himself rising through the ranks and becoming a Seargant, he was deployed on missions in Europe. While fighting in Europe, Barnes and his team were declared MIA presumed dead, at this time, Steven Rodgers underwent his transformation into Captain America, with the super soldier serum pumping through him, and the support of Howard Stark and Peggy Carter, Steve was able to infiltrate Nazi Germany and rescue Barnes from Swiss Hydra scientist, Armin Zola. What no one knew at that time was that Zola had been conducting experiments on the soldier, pushing his body to the brink. Why Barnes in particular was suggested remained a mystery, but somehow he had the strength and the will to survive the experiments long enough for Rodgers, recently transformed by the Super soldier serum, to rescue him. The former prisoner of war recovered to join Steve again to bring an end to the war but that final mission drastically and irrevocably changed Barnes' life forever. During what would be their final mission together, Rodgers escaped and crashed into the ocean where he was frozen in ice for several decades until he was located and thawed out. Barnes, who was declared KIA along with Rodgers was never found. In the decades that followed the end of the war, reports began to emerge of an elusive assassin. A ghost story named the Winter Soldier. That ghost was Bucky Barnes. After his presumed death, Barnes was recovered, reconstructed and eventually indoctrinated by Department X, a covert branch of the Russian KGB, to use for all their dirty work as part of their Super Soldier program. To keep the Winter Soldier under control, he was brainwashed and repeatedly tortured to ensure his complete submission to his masters. When he showed signs of returning memories or non-compliance, he was "wiped clean" and reset. When not carrying out missions, the Winter Soldier is kept on ice in cryo-sleep to prevent him collecting too much knowledge of the world around him and potentially betraying his masters. ((Since no one is playing Black Widow I figured its okay to put in some Red Room shit, lemme know if thats not cool and I'll scratch it out)) The success of the Winter Soldier, a ruthless, efficient assassin who carried out tasks effectively and without question or complications, spawned other operations within Department X, namely, the Red Room Academy which created super spy assassins such as Black Widow. The Winter Soldier was responsible for demonstrating combat and testing some (but not all) of the young Black Widows who were recruited in the program and later responsible for "dispatching" the failures. Outside of the Red Room Academy, The Winter Soldier expanded his list of assassinations. Several high profile names were added to his list of successful hits spanning across decades. After the dissolution of the KGB, Department X lost the Winter Soldier who fell back into Hydra hands once more. He fell under Baron Strucker's control. The Winter Soldier is back again but this time he's after a new high profile target. Nicholas. J. Fury. [b]Season 1 Summary:Summary of what your character did in season 1 (not applicable to new players)[/b] Bucky was probably in cryo-sleep, whatevs. [b]Powers and Abilities (What can your character do? What can't they do?): [/b] [b]Bionic Arm:[/b] After losing his left arm, Bucky now has a metal super-powered prosthesis grafted to his soldier. The arm has enhanced strength and reaction/response times. The arm is also capable of emitting EMP and electrical discharges. One weakness of this bionic arm is that it can be temporarily KO'd by electrical shocks. [b]Master of Martial Arts:[/b] Bucky has extensive training in various kinds of hand-to-hand combat. [b]Marks-man Extrodinare:[/b] During WW2, Barnes was a proficient sniper. He's skilled with using multiple firearms and has deadly aim. [b]Super Assassin:[/b] He's skilled in espionage, he can hide in plain sight and conceal himself easily to prevent detection. [b]Multi-lingual:[/b] Bucky can speak several languages including Russian, English, French and Japanese and a few more. [b]Sample Story Arcs:[/b] [b]Story Arc 1: (Remembering Bucky Barnes)[/b]: After being out of the freezer longer than usual, Winter Soldier's memories begin to return and he goes rogue during his mission to assassinate Nick Fury. [b]Story Arc 2: (Trial)[/b]: Bucky breaks his programming and remembers things. Living on the run from the authorities and from Hydra, Bucky tries to evade SHIELD capture and also tries to evade Hydra recapture, for fear he'll be indoctrinated once again. Bucky, if captured, will have to face punishment for his actions or a return to his life of crime but just how much does he actually remember? [b]Story Arc 3: (Ready to Comply)[/b]: Bucky is totally under control ... however, someone steals Bucky's "code words" and steals the master assassin for his/her/their own ulterior motives. [b]Story Arc 4: (End of Winter)[/b]: Bucky wasn't the only Winter Soldier created by the KGB ... the supposedly "decommissioned" Wolf Spider operation which followed the Winter Soldier programme was not unsuccessful and a series of super assassins were created using similar tortures as those inflicted on Bucky, however, the Wolf Spiders have gone rogue and escaped. Hydra has sent Bucky on a mission to assassinate his would-be spy-brothers before SHIELD or anyone else can take advantage of their mistakes.