The group around Leo was dispersing as all of the trainers new to Viore weer headed to go get their new pokedexes. One Leo already had, due to the fact he lived in Viore for a year or so now. He wanted oh so bad to follow them. The whole group seemed to have some strange aura that drew him toward them. He felt like they needed to be together, not romantically, but spiritually. He couldn't explain it, he just knew it was meant to be that they would all meet this day. He waved off to the trainers heading away, even the rude girl who whispered something, probably mean, into the boy with the accent's ear. [color=mediumvioletred]"Have fun at the lab, you're gonna love it in Viore!"[/color] he called out Now with everyone he had spoken too gone, he made his way to a black car with tinted winows and a man ina suit and sunglasses standing beside it. He waved to the man and put his hand behind his head in a fluent motion. [coor=mediumvioletred]"Uh, Nicholas, I don't know how to say this, but I think I'm going on an adventure. I just met this wonderful group of people and it just... It feels like destiny, y'know? I'm sure when you tell father he'll understand."[/color] he chuckled. A look of shock overtook the man's face "You mean... [b]I[/b] have to tell your father? You're not going to?" [color=mediumvioletred]"Of course! I'll be far too busy adventuring to call him now uh, I gotta go [b]BYE![/b]"[/color] Leo said, grabbing a pack from inside of the car's backseat and running. The man's sunglasses fell off of his face as he scrambled to try and stop the boy, but he was gone. "I'm so fired..." he grumbled and pulled out a cell phone. Leo was out of site by the time the call was being made. Leo ran as fast as he could to the nearest pokemart, he needed to stock up on things. he grabbed 5 luxury balls, a few super potions and hyper potions and full heals. All name brand, of course. He paid with a black looking card before the price was even mentioned to him. He was out the door as fast as he could be. He saw the car he ran from again and crept out of sight of it, the man was in it but the car seemed to not be running anymore. Guess the phone call was going to be a long one. He had to make a stop at a boutique for some new clothes for the trip, considering his wardrobe was still at home in Longsand. He'd have to stop by sometime and trade some stuff out.