Seconds after leather soles touched the top of the ridge over which the other folks in the rescue operation climbed, Ariane gratefully lent her magic, and with the aid of a feather spell, magicked up Sevine. The sensation alone caused a tingling in her toes, and her head painfully light, as if she hadn't had enough sleep, or drank plenty of water. She was certain that managing the climb up, rather harrowing as the situation presented itself, would be a feat she could accomplish, just like scaling pine trees back in Falkreath, icy pine trees with no tree limbs for supports that is. When the frozen door, graciously kicked in by Farid, opened, a blue orb shot out of the inner chamber, to which Ariane raised the alarm by identifying what the blue orb actually was, some type of magickal anomaly. The first one out of the chamber struck the last man down into the ice laden shaft, Sevine tried to prevent the evident fall by lurching sideways, yet as she hit the ground, his boots slipped out of her hands, missing him by mere inches. Her eyes watched in horror as she gazed down at the man, his legs askew, head turned sideways, and blood pooling around him. Sickened, she rolled away from the ledge, and leapt to her feet. Following the example of Roze and Farid, she brandished her axe, and cut through a spinning blue orb that burst into a bright shower of vivid azure magic...dust? No, energy seemed to be the right word. Hell, Sevine didn't know a lick about magick, so she wasn't even sure what the proper term was. Regardless, when the anomalies were extinguished, they proceeded onward, and began the ascent up. For Sevine, when it came to ladders, especially ones that spanned the length of a two-story building, the tingling returned to her toes, and she had to focus on keeping her gaze cemented on those above her. She did notice, that this particular ladder, could be dismantled and used for the descent back into the lagoon. Stepping up, and into the blizzard that made for difficult going, Sevine noticed a curious figure hunched over in an alcove-like area, the smoke from the person's pipe indistinguishable in the whipping winds. She gritted her teeth against the chill, regretting to bring an overcoat of some type with her. Then again, she reflected back to the Breton man that had gone over board, and reminded herself that the rescue mission, hopefully, wouldn't take much longer. She heard his coy words and grunted, wrapping her arms around her body to retain heat, her teeth clattering like a skeleton dancing in her mouth. "No, you dunce, we've come to rescue you and your unfortunate lot from starvation, and any other form of death you can conjure up inside that mind of yours." How she managed to speak despite the frigid drop in temperature, for her knees were knocking, Sevine managed to scowl, and spat her words out like a foul-tasting potion.