[center][h3][color=maroon]Mallory Grimmoire[/color][/h3][/center][i]Now....[/i] [@CloseEnough] Mallory walked from her Ancient Civilizations class, nervously tapping her right hand against her thigh. The rhythm served to calm her down, but constantly, flickers of the previous day flashed through her mind. Shuddering a bit, she checked the street signs, though she didn't have to. It was merely her pretending that she didn't know [i]exactly[/i] where she was going. Her confidence and strength had been sapped from her. Arriving at what felt like the six hundred sixtieth street in New York, Mallory paused, looking at the ebony door. Already, the slight twitch in her fingers had begun. The resident was doomed to death, sentenced by the mob. She was merely the messenger, here to strike fear and panic- to let them spread the horrors and cause others to think twice about betraying the mob. Climbing up the steps to the door, Mallory hesitated, just as she was about to rap on the door with her knuckles. Thinking better of it, she rang the door bell incessantly, feeling the urge to knock grow. Holding her hands tightly, she waited with a cool expression for the door to open. [hr][hr] [center][h3][color=maroon]Mallory Grimmoire[/color] & [color=pink]Harley Quinn[/color][/h3][/center][i]Then...[/i] The price of college wasn't cheap - and as a student of NYU, Mallory knew this lesson well enough. Her father didn't give her much in the way of money, causing her to work two jobs. One as a mortal, another as a door knocker. Given her little need of sleep, she met up with the mob at night, in order to receive her compensation and assignment for the week. Walking into the abandoned warehouse, Mallory glanced around, looking for her contact. Instead of the usual sphinx who came to do the exchange, a jester stepped out from behind a corner, smiling malevolently at her. [color=pink]"Mister J needs you to knock on some doors!"[/color] the jester grinned, practically doing a sweeping bow. Her two toned hair had slipped out of the costume, shaking around as she practically danced her way over to Mallory. [color=maroon]"Is Mister J the new leader?"[/color] Mallory asked simply. She didn't get herself involved in mob politics. All she wanted was payment--nothing more. The jester grinned, revealing her pearl like teeth. [color=pink]"Why so serious, puddin?"[/color] she cackled with glee, delicately stroking Mallory's jaw. Mallory grimaced, shifting her attention and gaze away from her. The jester seemed to pout, before handing Mallory a bag. Inside, there was more money she'd ever seen before. The reason, however, became evident when she looked at the names on the list. [i]Damien James. Succubus. Thalia Maheras. Dragon. Victoria Dayed. Vampire.[/i]