[center][@Morose][@Chaotic Chao][@oKageo][@Archmage MC] [h3][b][color=00aeef]Alfred Reginald - "Soldier X"[/color][/b][/h3][/center] [color=turquoise][i]”I believe its a quote. When one is to enter hell, that is inscribed over the entry way.”[/i][/color] answers the boy named Atlas. [color=00aeef]"I didn't ask for a definition."[/color] Soldier X replies as he looks at the boy, his visor glowing a dark orange, [color=00aeef]"Just asking a question."[/color] Besides, he knows exactly what that statement meant. This girl was giving off quite an attitude. A bitchy one for starters. It reminded of him vaguely about those bratty girls he meant back in high school. Some looked quite like her, probably one or two had blue eyes, and always talked about their little girly things. They would sometimes tease him about his antisocial behavior or something along those lines, he can't actually remember. Probably properness too. Also reminds him about some bitches on the sides of roads... hookers, sluts, or just really annoying people. Doesn't matter though, for the girl hardly bothered him much anyways. Of if she did, he wouldn't show it. Just then, another girl came into view, this one being pure white and quite... cartoony. She was pretty strange looking, not in a bad way of course, but still, she was rather interesting to look at. At least she seems more friendly then that bitch she's standing next too. [color=lightblue][i]”You all should come with me to say hello to everyone. If we’re going to be a team, we might as well learn about each other. My name is Light by the way, whats yours?”[/i][/color] she mentions. However, as Soldier X was about to reply to that question, bitchy little Vivian decided to open her mouth. [i][color=silver]”Sure!!! And then we can play with rainbows and gummy bears and our mommies and daddies will come!!!!!”[/color][/i] she yells, rolling her eyes and cursing under her breath. Ok... that was just mean. I mean he can be much worse than that, but at least he's proper around the more innocent. He glares at the woman for a quick second in disgust until looking down at Light. [color=00aeef]"Soldier X."[/color] he replies as he kneels down to shake her hand, [color=00aeef]"Don't mind her. She's just seems to be a natural-raised bitch."[/color] With that, he stands up again and watches the demonstration, seemingly impressed when Archer unleashed his own attack. He may not be using them to the maximum effort or precision, but he has potential. Much potential.