The instructor rolled his eyes, before nodding. "Very well, keep it on if you want, but no bringing it out. For that matter, I advise you to do the same with your other classes." That was when he heard the crack of a gun. Okay, now he was well aware that he said no Noble Arms, and not, "no weapons, period" but he would've appreciated a [i]little[/i] common sense. This was a game of tag, not a gladiatorial arena, for Christs sake! Pinching the bridge of his nose, he blew his whistle. "Takumi! Here, now!" he shouted. Really, sometimes these kids took things too far. The Academy didn't have a strict regulation on weapons -- what was the point? -- but that didn't mean that they were allowed to bring them out at every turn. Not to mention some of the parents of these students would absolutely freak if they realized just how prevalent holding a lethal weapon was here, regardless of their status as Arms Masters. If that happened that would turn into a headache with lots of PTA's that he was [i]so[/i] glad he did not have to deal with. That was the principals job. With Pablo, the twins shook their head in refusal. "Sorry, no can do! We don't give trust funds," they said, smiling apologetically, suddenly, one of the twins turned her head, and waved her hand, "hey, big sis!" Over to their right, just a short distance away, was Nishka. The twins had spotted her making a run for it around the quadrangle. [@Keksalot]-[@SunsetRoses]-[@KindledBeast]-[@Letter Bee]-[@Altasaire]-[@Eklispe]