[centre][img]http://i.imgur.com/vbnnTUq.png[/img] [colour=ec008c][i]The Muse. Weaver of Dreams.[/i] Might: 13 Free Point: 1[/colour] [hider=Please buy the action figures!] -Ilunabar finishes her business with Slough -Ilunabar decides do get on with it and make two new heroes -One is Makeda, an angel turned champion. She wears golden armor and is cool (1 might) -One is yet to be born, her name is Chroma, and she is a change eater. [s]And the first Jvanger[/s] (1 might also!) [/hider] [/centre] What an amazing bravado, Ilunabar thought, all Siblings were created somewhat equal, but the ones that decided to lounge simply drifted away in the ever changing cosmos, with that in mind, Vestec decision to antagonize with every single deity in one way or another was interesting and surely something that would keep him away from becoming irrelevant on Fate's parade... In fact, there was one who had similar ideas once, one that promised to test everything, yet the challenge never arrived, at least not trough his words. [color=ec008c]"I will keep that in mind brother, it was never my will to offend you, I'm merely fatigued"[/color] she explained, knowing very well it didn't matter [color=ec008c]"Good luck, too"[/color] she said as he vanished, and it was a somewhat sincere wish even if it had little goodwill beyond her simple quest for interesting tales, after all, he would need it, Tricksters are not unlike Acrobats, they might put up an amazing show, but a single error is enough to send everything down into the ground. With Vestec's, Vowzra's and Niciel's departure, the Slough Situation was apparently finished for the time being. "And I do hope I never have to go trough the Aimless Times again, or else I will be forced to make some serious artistic interventions" she whispered to herself, biting one of her nails out of habit. [color=ec008c]"Now excuse me, sisters, Galbar moves again and I have to make sure the actors are ready for the next act"[/color] and with that, she was back at her quarters in the Celestial Citadel. Piena could very well be here to help her with the next actions, but she had promised herself to not pull the Diva's strings, they provided a much needed second opinion on many issues and it was not the Muse's wish to change that. Oh well, Beauty finds its way. Furthermore, the task to bring Heroism to Galbar wasn't particularly hard, it was merely tricky, especially because heroes already walked the earth, all they lacked was a proper imagery, a transition from the champions of the gods to the champions of the mortals. [color=ec008c]"I have yet to fully take account of the interaction of Mortal and Gods, but considering recent events, it's hard to wait any longer until taking action"[/color] mused the Muse. [hr] Angels were quite a folk, the perfect expression of Niciel's style, down to the color coded hair. In times of past they lived under Niciel's protection, recent actions, however, forced them to spread, taking on the noble mission of gifting mortals with Niciel's womb-like warmth. Which in Ilunabar's opinion is fine, not exactly her taste, but among the everloving chaos of Galbar it was a nice change of pace. But of course, there was more to parenting than nesting. Sometimes parents had to teach their kids not to play with fire the hard way. Lifprasil was already studying the meaning and application of authority, but it was mostly based on commanding, the average Hain and Human parent worked differently, they didn't drag or hypnotize their kids to their bed, they simply said [i]"Go to sleep, or else..."[/i], this places the responsibility in the hand of the youngling instead of the authority figure. More research was necessary ,however, Ilunabar really wanted to understand the oddities and interactions of the mortal family, but the key moments were far too short lived and the examples far too small for a goddess to understand, and while gods did at times create children, the prospect of developing some sort of union of care and love between deities was laughable. [color=ec008c]"And thanks Fate for that, imagine poor Lifprasil having to share a house with Vulamera and Vestec, being a quasi-orphan is clearly the merciful end"[/color] Either way, the solution to the complication was obvious: [color=ec008c]"Let's create some sort of superior parental figure"[/color], a being whose name would be the one used to convince kids to sleep on time, but also to reassure them that there is no need to worry about monsters under their beds. A paragon of what mortals consider "good", but not an enforcer, at least, not all the time. And naturally, the chance to create such figure was present trough Angels, creatures born from the motherly love of Niciel, but, as mentioned before, just Niciel wouldn't do, thankfully Vestec's actions had led astray some Angels, not all of them being the corrupted creates of his army. One, in particular, was exceptional, she always had a problem with the way Angel society was structured, despite their kindness, being a lower cast was still being lower, and that would be alright if she did not feel she was in a lower position for the wrong reasons, see, genetics is a wild thing, perhaps thanks to the wild nature of the creator of life, Slough, and mutations just happen. One such involved the daughter of two yellow-haired angels, Falasha, and Theofeleios, her hair was black, of course, everyone, in their kindness, told it was nothing, no problem, but still, [i]"Isn't it odd? To not follow Niciel's design like that?"[/i] and of course, once the war started, [i]"Fallen Angels also lose the color of their hair, not implying anything, but, you know..."[/i] This physiologically set up her in an odd way, in which while she resented the society, she also had the ambition of becoming a paragon of its values. Once the patrols ventured farther away from the Nice Valley, she decided to go beyond simply hunting down chaotic creatures of Vestec, but to outright stamp out wickedness and villainy among mortals. It felt righteous, and the cheers of villagers were somewhat addicting, even if... [color=ec008c]"You know those are not the ways of Niciel, right?"[/color] said a mysterious woman, the angel did not know from where she came from, but somehow she felt compelled to answer [color=f7941d]"But it's not wrong either, is it?"[/color] said Makeda [color=f7941d]"I'm protecting those hard working people from vile raiders. If it is rightful to slay vestec's monster, why shouldn't I do the same to a Hain who steals?"[/color] [color=ec008c]"Perhaps, but is it effective? To hunt down robbers in the night while hiding from your comrades. You know they have been commenting about how tired you are during the midday scouting, there is even talk about a demotion, another rank away from the caste of your parents! I do wonder, why! Are you truly that incompetent?"[/color] [color=f7941d]"Wha..."[/color] Makeda had no idea how that woman could possibly know such secrets, was this a trick by the armies of chaos? She didn't feel any corruption in her, though. [color=ec008c]"But you truly don't have to worry about that anymore, most of your patrol is no more, ambushed in the dead of the night by the corrupt. Now half of your team fights the other half, and I doubt they will last much longer"[/color] the stranger smiled [color=ec008c]"Thankfully you are here and not there, you can easily escape back to Nice Valley"[/color] [color=f7941d]"Half of the team? That would be what... 5 soldiers? I can't possibly fight them all"[/color] [color=ec008c]"There is no shame is going home, little Makeda, you know they will be nice to you, and offer the kindest words of consolation. Of course, you also know, there will be whispered comments, just like the old ones..."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Damn it all to the depths of the void"[/color] the angel thundered before taking flight The woman followed her with no effort whatsoever [color=ec008c]"Now listen, dearheart, first things first, no tears of anger, they will blurry your view. Second thing, your armor is pretty dull..."[/color] [color=f7941d]"My armor is not a sword, you... you... kooky phantom!"[/color] [color=ec008c]"It might not be your sword but it is your main piece dear, and you need a piercing look for what you are going to do, so here"[/color] with a swing of her hand, the armor of the Angel becomes tinted in a glittering gold color [color=ec008c]"See, pretty knightly, plus gold goes well with your beautiful dark hair"[/color] [color=f7941d]"It isn't b..."[/color] [color=ec008c]"Sugar, I'm the final word on what is beautiful or not, and it is. Now focus! See your camp down there? You want blunt force so make a mace or a hammer out of your angel energy. In their point of view you are no different from a twinkling star in the sky, and we want to use that to strike an image, I'm going to make an attention grabbing sound so they look up, then you dive down in blazing glory and take out that one guy there in a single strike"[/color] Makeda is confused, but at this point, she has no option, so she might as well follow everything the woman says. She isn't with the hordes so clearly she can't be that bad. Suddenly dropping from the sky, a move considered "reckless" by her combat instructors, the angel dove right in the middle of the ongoing combat, smashing one of the corrupted angels to the ground as she landed. [color=ec008c]"Okay! Critical time, I made a few illusory lines on your vision, strike with a sword on the red line then throw knives behind you using the blue line"[/color] And she follows it, slashing open the neck of a fallen angel with perfect timing before throwing the knife over her shoulders, hitting the forehead of an unsuspectingly fallen ambusher who was ready to attack her. Curiosity peaked, and she tried to look back to see if she had managed to successfully kill the enemy, but soon she noticed her head was locked in its position [color=ec008c]"No looking back! It's dead, trust me. So, I have lent you a bit of my power to unlock the magic potential unlocked by one of my sisters, but don't just go spell slinging, do it with style, here, follow what I say..."[/color] [color=f7941d]"By the countless suns of Ull'Yang, begone fiend!"[/color] and with that flames burst from the angel's hand, she knows it's merely a burst of her own energy with some sort of stylization, still, it made one enemy burst into flames, that is all she could ask for. [color=ec008c]"Enemy to your left, just stare"[/color] And with the mere glance of Makeda's eyes, the last angel freezes in its place. Perhaps the illusions of otherworldly terror cast by Ilunabar into the fallen's eyes did have a part in that effect, but that was a detail that the angel in golden armor didn't need to know. Finally, the corrupted mind starts to "recover itself" and the chaotic angel moves again. Sadly for it, a lance of angelical power quickly pierced its heart in response. Only now, as the heat of the battle died, did Makeda realize what she had just done. To her side her surviving, not-corrupted companions, stared in bewilderment, they had all seen warriors far more skilled than even the heroic Makeda, but never like this, never with such a timing, with such glory. The dark haired angel didn't respond to the curious looks of her friends, for the phantom woman who had been talking to her had just revealed a most concerning hero. [color=f7941d]"Lahabiel. Stand up" [/color] The inquired angel's face suddenly filled with horror [color=f7941d]"Isn't it mysterious? That half of our team abruptly succumbed to corruption?"[/color] "It is...W-Why?" [color=f7941d]"Corruption has many forms, the lowest of them, is the willing one, dear brother."[/color] The angel felt without action, one side wanted to react violently or flee, but deep down, he knew it was of no use. All he could do was tremble in fear. [color=f7941d]"The All-Seeing eye of Vulamera has revealed thy crimes"[/color] as she spoke, phantasmagorical images and sounds of the angel's crime formed around her. His boredom in the valley, his wish for more, his greed, the slow mental corruption that the forces of Chaos had merely to call into their wicked quest. [color=f7941d]"Those are depraved actions, but you are still within the responsibility of the ever merciful Niciel. Perhaps she might gift you with the chance of redemption."[/color] She stared at him with cold, golden eyes. ########## [color=f7941d]"Why couldn't I judge him myself? He is a wicked fiend!"[/color] Makeda complained [color=ec008c]"He probably won't ever think of anything vile ever again, and this should make the waves of your action a bit more positives among the angels of the valley and Niciel herself"[/color] [color=f7941d]"A bit more? Why do you think they would be negative?"[/color] [color=ec008c]"Well sweetie, you are technically a fallen angel. You have forsaken Niciel's care to seek powers from beyond."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Wait, did I?" She inquired[/color] [color=ec008c]"Of course, you did, Endless Suns of Ull'Yang, All-Seeing Eye of Vulamera, which were fake back there, but are true things, and I doubt you aren't feeling curious to get to known what they truly are"[/color] [color=f7941d]"I am..."[/color] [color=ec008c]"And of course, the direct help of your PR agent, Ilunabar. Either way, did you like the feeling while you did what I said?"[/color] [color=f7941d]"It was... pretty swell"[/color] [color=ec008c]"I didn't do anything but to help you deal with your potential, that person was you. Do you want to be like that? "[/color] [color=f7941d]"Will you teach me?"[/color] [color=ec008c]"I will give you the chance to learn"[/color] [hr] [color=ec008c]"I shouldn't really be getting out on experimental tangents, but truly, it's a bit too tempting, the consequences of failure are soft and the possibilities are high,"[/color] said Ilunabar to herself as she kept examining the egg she had tracked down. While Makeda would surely work well as a tradition hero, a golden knight of very strict codes, once she was properly trained, Ilunabar wanted to bend the concept a bit more. She knew the angelical heroine would be distant, a concept who acted in key situations to make sure her prestige is well known, all of course, with the imagery to make her look heroic. And that was perhaps the key of why she wanted to create a second hero, even if she ascended a Hain, a Pronobii, a Human, they would still be of this world, they would still know that heroism isn't what storytellers tell. Even the innocent angels of Nice Valley knew very well about orders, castes and that tales of justice are just tales. The reality, like cancer, corrupted the fantasy. There were exceptions however, some beings were better at deluding themselves, first and foremost, Ilunabar herself, but that wouldn't do. Then there was Jvan and Zephyrion, and by Fata's chance, there were little spawns that mixed Zephyrion's haughtiness and Jvan's outlandishness, a perfect recipe for a person deranged enough to believe in justice even when tedious reality yells the opposite. To add to the confusion, Ilunabar was not planning to let the child born from the Diaphane's egg grow on Galbar, oh no, the whole place was tainted with Logos' rules and Vestec's reactivity, Change Eaters feed on energy, and the Muse had a whole dimension full of that. That was killing two birds with one stone even, since it would also be a good way to continue the testing that the Phantasmagoria was. Ever since Vowzra's visit, some dreams in the Raka had a flow of time a bit different than the normal, that would be the perfect place to grow the egg. In the heights of the Simulacrum, Ilunabar shaped a comely world, where a child could grow without having to worry about horrors or even chores, instead, she would be feed a lot of stories about fantastic acts of heroism. This was what the muse called Phase 1, an idyllic childhood in a green paradise. Of course, before that she would need to shape the shapeshifter, Jvan's designs were... peculiar, and while interesting trough the revolting, they were not the kind of imagery that would become popular. Yes, Ilunabar's plans with the second here were to create something ludicrous, that didn't mean the heroine had to be hated, on the contrary, to have the mortals of galbar actually believing in her nonsense, would be the best scenario possible. [color=ec008c]"And that is why I called you three here, I know you are busy with Lifcity, even if oddly unable to actually tell me what you have done. First, the name, I'm thinking in Chroma..."[/color] [color=7ea7d8]"Mahocromatic"[/color] suggested Meimu [color=fff79a]"Mahocromantyc"[/color] countered Notte [color=gray]"Captain Mahocromantyc, The First Jvanger"[/color] finished Piena [color=ec008c]"Nah, you know what, I can do this myself. Go back to Lif and Lakshmi. Oh yeah, Piena, you are trying to make the Quara Korala survive right? About that, there has been another Tsunami on the Porcelain Sea."[/color] [color=gray]"What? Again? I cannot believe this, I'm trying my best but disaster just keeps striking. This can't get any worse"[/color] [color=ec008c]"Did I say that the wave was also radioactive?"[/color]