[h3][color=00a651][b][center]Malkus[/center][/b][/color][/h3] [Center][color=00a651][b]Location:[/b][/color] At a build west off the road, between Sarlarn and Yzewz [color=00a651][b]Actions:[/b][/color] Waiting outside the door[/center] Malkus nearly hurled a dagger when he saw something fly out of the barn. Fortunately he only gripped a blade when he realized it was merely a barn owl. It flew out into the forest for some reason or another, perhaps disturbed by Malkus's knocking. He found the presence of the owl comforting; this would mean that the building was hospitable enough for animals to seek shelter in. That mean it was solid, and Malkus might be able to get something to eat. He was about to approach the door and open it himself when a human head popped out. Fortunately the head was attacked to a woman's body and spoke to him in a common language. [color=00a651]"Oh. Someone's home. I'm just a traveler. I was hoping I could seek shelter here, if you don't mind."[/color] That was the jist of Malkus's request. He was only somewhat formal, trying his best to emulate some sort of sophistication and class so he doesn't come off as merely another vagrant. Though his appearance alone would fail to dispel that notion. He didn't imagine that this human woman owned the storage building and was merely a traveler like himself, but at the same time she got here first. And if Malkus knew anything about squatting, first claim was about as good as an actual deed. Malkus had the poncho wrapped tightly around himself as he was quickly growing cold and wet again, but this also had the dual purpose of hiding the fact his hand was gripping the hilt of his kukri. He doesn't expect an easy entry, and even if this woman allowed him in Malkus did not plan to lower his guard. Sure Affrucio proved not to be treacherous, but Malkus wasn't going to let one human color his impression he had build over a long lifetime of dealing with their kind. At least orcs were straightforward with their brutality. Humans had the nasty habit of finding all your soft spots to make it hurt even more. [color=00a651]"I uh... You probably don't want me. But I promise I won't be a bother you or anyone. I'll keep to myself. Swear on my honor."[/color]